One-Fifth of New Enrollees Under Health Care Law Fail to Pay First Premium

During Open-Enrollment, the Federal and State Exchange websites were a mess. Now, carriers seem have forgotten how to do even the most mundane of tasks properly.

I received a letter in the U.S. mail today from UHC-Golden Rule demanding that I repay them $9.81 that I didn't deserve to receive as part of my June commission payment! It's almost as if the Government has injected a foaming-mouth amnesia virus into health insurance company computer systems nationwide.
AC, was the letter sent Certified, return receipt?

No..just regular U.S. mail. I called the UHC-GR agent Licensing/Commission department using the number and code provided on the letter and paid by credit card. I thought it would have been automated, but apparently this over payment of commissions affected a lot of agents. A "live" person is in the UHC-GR Licensing department doing the work and is very efficient, like he's taken a lot of calls.
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