Organizing My Leads

Good thread. I've used Outlook and Excel to handle contact management up to this point. Now I'm at the point where I need an integrated solution. I'm sure things have slipped through cracks in my system.

I've downloaded YIO and it looks pretty nice and while I'm not opposed to paying for the unlocked program, I wanted to see what other solutions are out there that are geared towards those in our profession. Free ones, expensive ones...whatever. I'd like to know what else is out there before I pull the trigger.

Only the original version of YIO was developed by me in 1995. I used it and sold it by word of mouth for four years. In 1999 one of my clients suggested that I have a website built and put it on the internet. Agents found it and began purchasing it. That was v2.0. The agents using v2.0 wanted more features and functions so I added their suggestions and released v3.0. As more and more agents began using 3.0 they said they also needed more so I developed v4.0.

My point is, the only reason I have ever upgraded YIO is because successful agents using the program have told me they need additional, specific features and functions to make more money more easily.

It is a program that has been developed by successful, producing agents for insurance agents. Not just by me. I just pass their ideas on to the two professional programmers I use.

YIO will hold as many clients and prospects as you will ever be able to put into the program. There is no limit.

ACT may be a good program, I have never used it. I originally looked at it but I neither had the time, patience nor the interest in taking the time to learn to use it. It is not an insurance program. It will allow you to build a contact management program if you have the time, love to play with computers and already are fairly computer literate. I have none of those.

I wanted something that was designed for L&H agents, was so easy to use that I could begin working in it immediately and was affordable. If an agent makes one sale, just one, that he/she would not have otherwise made, the first year commission from that one sale will usually more than pay for YIO. From that point forward YIO is "free".

Support is unlimited and toll-free. There is no other program that I am aware of that can say that. In fact, if I get four calls a month for tech support I have received a lot of calls, YIO is that easy to use.

YIO is being used by agents throughout the US and in eight foreign countries.

I have never had an agent give YIO anything but great reviews once they begin using it. I have been told by my clients that if one is looking for a program specifically developed for L&H agents that is extremely fast and easy to use, gives them with the organizational skills necessary to maximize their opportunities that there is none better than YIO.

The agents who seem to like and use ACT are not agents like GreenSky or me, they are agents who love to "play" with their computers and have the knowledge to do so. In my experience of providing support to agents, I don't think they are the majority of agents who are out there.

If you are in that select group then you may really like ACT.

I have a lot of former ACT users who are now using YIO basically for the same reason GreenSky stated. "I spent many years pretending I would learn to use ACT, Goldmine, etc."

YIO has helped me and a lot of other agents around the world make a lot of money a lot easier.

If you would like more detailed information and have specific questions to help you make a well informed, intelligent decision just give me a call.
Wow! I can't imagine a professional agent thinking $300 is too expensive for the MAIN software he will track his leads on for the next several years at least!

I have over $2,000 in my database software (ACT with several expensive add-ons) and I know I get a great return on that investment.

You have to ask yourself...are you running a business? Or are you just playing around?

I agree with the comments that if you want a turnkey program for people who don't like to do a LOT of software set-up work then get YIO.

If you like the computer work, get ACT and an automation program.
If you would like more detailed information .... just give me a call.

But WAIT.... there's more.

If you're one of the first 500 agents to call about YIO we'll send you absolutely free this beautiful set of Ginsu knives. Think of it. You'll never have to sharpen a knife again. With their carbon steel blades and imitation mother of perl handles they will be the pride of any chef. Yours free for just calling about YIO.

And that's not all. If you're one of the first 500 agents to call about YIO we'll also send you the newly designed Vege-Matic... it chops, dices, shreds, and cuts without ever having to get your hands dirty. Perfect for making that summer salad. Have to cut onions? No more tears. Need to shred cheese for a pizza? Done in minutes.

That's right. For just making that call and asking about YIO you will receive both the set of beautiful Ginsu knives and the legendary Vege-Matic. Just think of how other agents who come into your kitchen will envy you.

So don't wait. This is a limited offer. Pick up the phone now and call 999-555-1212, thats 999-555-1212. Operators are standing by to take your call about YIO. Remember, the beautiful Ginsu knives and the Vege-Matic are yours free for just calling and asking about YIO. That's right... free. Call now. 999-555-1212

Now back to your midnight move... Writing for Godot... two consecutive days, in the lives of a group of men and women, all insurance agents, who divert themselves as best they can on a web-based chat board, while they wait expectantly for zero-premium life insurance from a company named Godot Mutual.

And remember. YIO. "You think you're in good hands with Allstate? Wait 'til you find what we got you by!"

:D :D :D :D
Good thread. I've used Outlook and Excel to handle contact management up to this point. Now I'm at the point where I need an integrated solution. I'm sure things have slipped through cracks in my system.

I've downloaded YIO and it looks pretty nice and while I'm not opposed to paying for the unlocked program, I wanted to see what other solutions are out there that are geared towards those in our profession. Free ones, expensive ones...whatever. I'd like to know what else is out there before I pull the trigger.

I tried using a combination of Outlook and Excel for a while also. All I had was a "cluster" of information that was very difficult to wade through.

If you want to look at other programs that are insurance related then I would suggest that you go to . It is fairly pricey, the basic version I believe is $495. If you add the modules to make it similar to YIO I think it takes the price to around $800. I could be wrong so it would be best for you to take a look for yourself.

I also believe there is an annual charge of some kind for the program and each additional module. Training is available to learn to use the program but I think there is a charge for that also.

Like ACT, I have a lot of former GBS users. It wasn't the price that drove them to YIO. They had already paid for GBS. Most of them switched because they found YIO much easier and faster to learn and to use.

That is really funny, however, aren't you the one who is so concerned about wasting your valuable time, meaningless posts and the use of resources on this board?
I know I can speak for myself and possible others when I say enough already with the YIO debate. It's offered for sale and many other posts on this board also talk about other ways to track clients and prospects. Any agent here is free to compare and choose. But I'm sick to death of any post on this board that even mentions YIO instigating yet another argument or sarcastic remarks.

I consider myself to be as impartial as it gets. I do not have YIO and Frank will verify that. I've also tried that free CRM crap and think it blows ass. I personally use Excel to track all of my sales and prospects.

That being said I have no problem with any buying YIO nor anyone buying another other software or free contact manager. But let's bury the incessant arguements and just move on.

Agreed :D
I know I can speak for myself and possible others when I say enough already with the YIO debate. It's offered for sale and many other posts on this board also talk about other ways to track clients and prospects. Any agent here is free to compare and choose. But I'm sick to death of any post on this board that even mentions YIO instigating yet another argument or sarcastic remarks.

I consider myself to be as impartial as it gets. I do not have YIO and Frank will verify that. I've also tried that free CRM crap and think it blows ass. I personally use Excel to track all of my sales and prospects.

That being said I have no problem with any buying YIO nor anyone buying another other software or free contact manager. But let's bury the incessant arguements and just move on.

Thank you, I totally agree. YIO is not offered to be the topic of sarcastic or lengthy remarks. It is only one of many options available to L&H agents. It is appropriately placed in the "Insurance Offers" section.

If agents want more information there is a toll-free number listed.