Organizing Your Personal Affairs


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This is something that my brother Matt made for me to give out to my clients and I also use it to prospect for new clients.

It is for when you die, it will help your family Organize your personal affairs.
It is the things that the will does not really cover. It also tells you where important things are at.

I left it where you can make changes on it and make it your own. I have a lot of clients/prospect request this from me. Some funeral homes even give them out.

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This is a fantastic topic. When my brother has his stroke his wife couldn't find his disability policy - neither could I after I tore apart his office.

He was able to communicate after about 2 week - not verbally or even in writing, but only by shaking his head. So after a series of 50 or so questions we finally located his disability and life policies. She couldn't get into his email to reply to his clients, informing them about what happened because she didn't have his password.

My wife has "if I die" instructions - user names and passwords to all of my sites, accounts, etc...She has a complete contact list of people to email and call.

You'd be surprised how little information spouses have on each other. Little things sound stupid but can be important - for example I don't want my Facebook account to be "live" forever. If I died she'd need to log in and delete it.
Many people have this information in their file with their preplan at the funeral home. It definitely is easier on the family when someone is organized.
My grandfather was on life support for 9 days before we found his living will in with some old photos. We could not find anything that we needed. He lived alone and we had no clue to anything. We new he had a safty depost box somewhere and we just could not find tons of things we needed.

This is a simple form that can be filled out in mins that can save your family a lot of grief. What good is it to have life insurance, living wills and important things if they can't find it when they need it.

This can also be used as a prospecting tool and a way go get your foot in the door. This also gives you a reason to maybe call your existing clients and offering them this for free and see if they need anything else.

Click Here to Download
Mark, you might want to change "has your pet been spaded or neutered" to "Spayed and neutered" If the pet was spaded, it probably wouldn't be alive :)
Mark, you might want to change "has your pet been spaded or neutered" to "Spayed and neutered" If the pet was spaded, it probably wouldn't be alive :)

That's correct. I put the spade to my dog this morning and now he's dead.

Good advice and wish I had heard this yesterday.
