Other Options Besides "Classic" Insurance?

here's a couple ideas for who to call:

- try finding a local agent that specializes in "high risk" auto insurance. Most of the companies that sell broadform policies do so for the SR22/FR44 market.

- two companies that I can think of off the top of my head that might help are Dairyland (also known as Viking) and Kemper Specialty (formerly known as Unitrin). I don't know if either are in Florida, but it would be a good starting point. You would at least get a quick answer that way if you called them.

Either way, you will find out real quick whether or not this is doable.

I found Kemper, noticed they had broad form and found a number of local agents from their website.

I sent an email to one of them specifically requesting it ( figuring they might have to research it).

Will advise.

I found Kemper, noticed they had broad form and found a number of local agents from their website.

I sent an email to one of them specifically requesting it ( figuring they might have to research it).

Will advise.

Just so you know, it is unlikely they will do just this one policy. The premium is likely to be low. Be prepared to let them quote the rest of your insurance and move some other business to them.
Just so you know, it is unlikely they will do just this one policy. The premium is likely to be low. Be prepared to let them quote the rest of your insurance and move some other business to them.

That's fine. I need to overhaul my homeowner's policy too. Getting ready for retirement and need to examine all my outflows.
Well, I tried. No success.

I spoke with Kemper Direct and they said they didn't do that in Florida. He suggested I call Progressive and Dairlyland. I called Progressive first ( since I already have a normal liability policy with them) and they said they don't have a broadform policy that covers owners. Dairyland wouldn't talk to me directly and their local agent told me that broadform coverage was not available in FL from anyone.

So, still stuck.

I don't have cars that are worth the hassle of garaging the way classic insurance wants, but they don't get used nearly enough to be worth insuring as daily drivers.