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Sometimes I have clients ask me if I have my insurance with the company I'm recommending. It so happens that I do have a policy with my primary carrier. But I bought it because I like the company and the policy design, not for making a point to my clients. They don't actually offer that policy anymore, and it's a much larger face amount than your typical FE policy. Most of my clients wouldn't be able to afford that policy. So, I'm not showing them my policy.
But if they ask me that question, I just say "yes, I do". It does seem to make them happy. But I've never had a problem placing someone with a different carrier if they ask the same question. Then my answer is, "no, I have mine with a different company, but I'm recommending this company for you because...."
On a side note, sometimes they ask me whether I have Term or Whole Life. That's usually because they've heard some stupidity from a Primerica agent or some such. They've been told that agents sell Whole Life because it gets them a bigger paycheck while hiding that Term is cheaper. I can truthfully answer "I have both, but for different reasons". I might elaborate about some of those reasons to point out the difference between term vs Whole Life, but they are my honest reasons, not just sales talk. Then I just move on to what their particular need is, and sell to that need.
Interesting. I've been selling FE full-time since 1999, and not once has a prospect asked me if I have w/l or term. I may have had 10 people in 19 years ask me if I have a policy with the carrier I'm representing. Must be something in your presentation.