Oympia Being Difficult


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Reid says he is going to have a bill by Christmas.

Olympia has said that if he brings it up for a vote before the end of the year she will automatically vote against it.

Harry, why don't you have Mr. Obama call her a few dozen more times and see if that helps. "Hell hath no fury.....as a scorned woman"

WATERVILLE -- Don't expect health care reform gift-wrapped by Christmastime. That's according to Republican U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, who spoke about pending health care legislation Wednesday afternoon as she strolled Main Street and spoke with people in the downtown area.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Tuesday that he expects to bring the legislation to the Senate floor next week and complete work on a bill by Christmas. The House approved a $1.2 trillion, 10-year bill this past weekend.
Speaking outside Jorgensen's Cafe, Snowe, who was the only Republican to vote for a version of the bill in committee, said she would not vote for the health legislation if it comes to a vote before the full Senate under Reid's timeline. More time is needed for legislators to examine the complex bill and obtain a final cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, she said.
Snowe said she last spoke with Reid on Tuesday night and urged him to slow the bill's review down, because "the more eyes on the legislation, the better."
"It's unrealistic," Snowe said of the Christmas deadline. "This is the start of a building process, and it takes time. It (the Christmas timeline) is not going to happen. I can't vote for a bill this large and important without taking as much time to get this as right as possible."
Snowe has previously expressed doubts on getting a health care bill passed by year's end, but her comments Wednesday revealed a sharper stance on what she sees as arbitrary deadlines.
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Reid says he is going to have a bill by Christmas.

Olympia has said that if he brings it up for a vote before the end of the year she will automatically vote against it.

Harry, why don't you have President Obama call her a few dozen more times and see if that helps. "Hell hath no fury.....as a scorned woman"

WATERVILLE -- Don't expect health care reform gift-wrapped by Christmastime. That's according to Republican U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, who spoke about pending health care legislation Wednesday afternoon as she strolled Main Street and spoke with people in the downtown area.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Tuesday that he expects to bring the legislation to the Senate floor next week and complete work on a bill by Christmas. The House approved a $1.2 trillion, 10-year bill this past weekend.
Speaking outside Jorgensen's Cafe, Snowe, who was the only Republican to vote for a version of the bill in committee, said she would not vote for the health legislation if it comes to a vote before the full Senate under Reid's timeline. More time is needed for legislators to examine the complex bill and obtain a final cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, she said.
Snowe said she last spoke with Reid on Tuesday night and urged him to slow the bill's review down, because "the more eyes on the legislation, the better."
"It's unrealistic," Snowe said of the Christmas deadline. "This is the start of a building process, and it takes time. It (the Christmas timeline) is not going to happen. I can't vote for a bill this large and important without taking as much time to get this as right as possible."
Snowe has previously expressed doubts on getting a health care bill passed by year's end, but her comments Wednesday revealed a sharper stance on what she sees as arbitrary deadlines.

You think its possible Lady O is playing the token repub ... on this?
Perhaps she, like the rest of the us neocons, is thinking that the more time goes on, the more informed Ma and Pa America become, the less b.s. our Dem bros and hos will get away with?
I mean, isn't it good for the pubs to be able to say that at least one of them was open to playing along? Kinda like that one "kinda black" or distantly Jewish guy that they let into the country club just for appearance sake?
Assuming the pubs never offer a viable plan of their own as stated earlier ala tort, mandate, borders.
You think its possible Lady O is playing the token repub ... on this?

No I dont. She is positioning a Plan B which is public option with trigger to give both moderate repubs and moderate dems a place to go other than off a cliff. She is not being the token repub. She is doing what none of the other repubs can do.

We have been around on this several times so I am not going to replay it. I am just saying we are another step closer. Olympia never did anything other than sit at the table with the dems and say that that she was willing to vote it out of committee but would not support a public option in the final vote. Public option with trigger probably. If the other repubs would quit trying to tear down the few people in their party who are thinking and doing something instead of just hanging around as worthless as tits on a nun it would help. Just keep telling the public and moderates that if they want any reform at all the only choice they have is to go with Pelosi and Reid. See if that helps.

The repubs and dems need her more than she needs them. She is unbeateable in her home state. And Harry Reid? Olympia is now considered to the most powerful Senator and woman in the country. How Mr. Obama. His popularity has gone up or down as a result of the last six months?
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Obama has become more the "presbo you want to have a beer with" than the Decision-Maker-In-Chief, but as long as he keeps those Obamadollars rolling not much will change. Little Harry really needs to get this whole health care thing wrapped up tighter than a Big Mac since he has just started his "Vote for Me in 2010 and I'll Give You Even More Obama Dollars" campaign last month.

That said, don't expect Obama to be campaigning for Reid in Las Vegas anytime soon. Although it really would be a great way to up tourism over there...
Obama has become more the "presbo you want to have a beer with" than the Decision-Maker-In-Chief, but as long as he keeps those Obamadollars rolling not much will change.

Well there is not much room for me to disagree with that, having said twice a week since a year before the elections that Obama will be the Messiah as long as the money is there. His entire, entire personal, professional and Presidential power flows from the ability to give away free stuff, and as stated, the time will come when we will see what he is like when he has run out of free stuff to give away. And, as discussed, that day will come. Giving away the porkulus money shortened his wick and he will get something out of health reform but that will shorten his wick even further. The minute he took office last January he sent another 30,000 troops to Afg because they were free and available for him to just wave his wand but it shortened his wick there too and now every move is more examined as everything else will be too after the first of the year.

In regard to having a beer, that is what he would like to do with the families at Fort Hood. Get the terrorist and the victims families together for a beer and have a group hug as he tried with the Cambridge PD. Unfortunaely, I think some of them would prefer to skip the hugs and have Cheney re-affirm to them that we have to weed out the terrorists and stop the pc stuff. Of course the situation in Cambridge was different. Obama was able to make an instant judgement that the Cambridge PD was wrong. Not so with the Fort Hood terrorist. We have to figure out whether his mother fed him off the left tit when she should have used the right before judging him. And of course Achmed was in a state of post traumatic stress because someone ripped his bumper sticker off.

Free stuff is good.
Winter, I do believe you are wrong, at least partly.

In order for the ObamaFt.HoodBeerSummit to begin, Obama would first have to declare that Hasan was an "extremist", which he has not. Nor has he declared that Hasan "acted stupidly", and it doesn't appear that he will. Labeling what would appear as an act of Islamic Jihadist Terrorism as "incomprehensible" just doesn't cut it in polite society. Therefore, no summit.
Actually Mr. Bill, I disagree with this premise.

Nor has he declared that Hasan "acted stupidly",

The one acting stupidly would have to be directed to Kim Munley who shot Hasan. Even though he had fired on her partner and her, she was apparently trigger happy and failed to take into account that he was not white, therefore her reaction was purely racist.
Winter, I do believe you are wrong, at least partly.

In order for the ObamaFt.HoodBeerSummit to begin, Obama would first have to declare that Hasan was an "extremist", which he has not. Nor has he declared that Hasan "acted stupidly", and it doesn't appear that he will. Labeling what would appear as an act of Islamic Jihadist Terrorism as "incomprehensible" just doesn't cut it in polite society. Therefore, no summit.

I concur in part and dissent in part to wit:

True, Obama uses the beer-hug approach to try to reconcile differences between extreme views and people who need to have their view toward society changed, such as the cambridge police officer who is clearly way out on the fringe, and most likely Mr. Nissan is just considered to be mainstream and would not qualify.

However, Mr. Obama has also been known to have a beer with people who he feels a kinship with such as Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakan, etc. So perhaps Mr. Hasan would be joining Mr. Obama for a beer under the latter rather than the former scenario.

It would also be a good opportunity for Mr. Obama to apologize for whoever ripped his bumper sticker off and caused this whole thing in the first place. Probably George Bush.

Bob - I stand corrected! :)

Winter, do you have any actual PROOF that Obama has shared a beer with the Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, or Louis Farrakhan? No? Not a whit of evidence? I thought so. Perhaps beer summits are reserved only for extremists. With respect to Obama's "Friends He Really Doesn't Know", it may be that he only has fine French wine or Russian vodka with. Personally, I think the French wine is just a precursor to the Russian vodka; it would seem that these days Russian vodka and Chinese beer would be his drink of choice.

I'm just sayyin...
Bob - I stand corrected! :)

Winter, do you have any actual PROOF that Obama has shared a beer with the Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, or Louis Farrakhan? No? Not a whit of evidence? I thought so. Perhaps beer summits are reserved only for extremists. With respect to Obama's "Friends He Really Doesn't Know", it may be that he only has fine French wine or Russian vodka with. Personally, I think the French wine is just a precursor to the Russian vodka; it would seem that these days Russian vodka and Chinese beer would be his drink of choice.

I'm just sayyin...

Change you can believe in.