Pacific Crest Insurance? Anyone Heard of Them?

agent m

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Looks to be an alliance of some variety. Haven't heard anything but just starting to see a little. Not in my state yet but looks sort it f interesting. Any knowledge is definitely appreciated.


Used the search function (what a concept) and was able to get some old figures. Still would like some more recent information if anyone has it. Just clarifying that this guy at least did a tiny bit of homework:-)
I'm happy you are here. I've seen PC on Craigslist a lot so it's good to hear from you guys in this environment. As you might know, CL is famous for harboring those less than savory organizations that churn and burn unsuspecting agents with embarrassingly low commission levels, high lead costs, and "no-release" clauses.
It would be great if you could tell us about your organization and what you guys have to offer and what sets you apart.
There is an "introductions" Forum as well as an "offers" forum here and both would be appropriate.
I'm retracting my earlier post in anticipation of learning more about you guys here.
H'lo all. I logged on today to learn more re: an apparent IMO- Pacific Crest Insurance. I read the short string begun by agentM in early 2014 who'd seen PC's posts on CL and others incl PC's mktg mgr/co-owner. I appreciated "pcbinsurance" 's input and his invite to the PC partner who'd responded to more fully introduce themselves, (PC's "paccrest" and his brother, each 20 yr vets per the partner's post of 2-10-14). That seems to be where the string ended. Its now 2 years later..Did PC fall silent after pcb's good invite or have I missed a continuation of that exchange? On google search, glassdoor and yelp I find no signif. derog. (I'm licensed & trying to get working, to join a good, established, fair IMO in life, annty, and LTC with very good markets here in No. Az. Thanks very much for any info!
Groups Come in all shapes and Sizes. Good, Better, Best

All groups need to provide 4 things.
  1. Transparency (Short Contract with Nothing hidden and easy to read- Ours is 12 pages.) Shares the Bonuses
  2. Carrier Alignment- Access to the right carriers to execute on your Business model.
  3. Training and support- Trainers that care about you for the life of your agency
  4. A great contract that matches all of your needs.

If a group does not provide all four of these things it is like a diamond being held by less than four prongs.

Some groups want "mules" that can fog a mirror and ask for a payment on the first phone call

Others court you to make sure they are a fit for you and you are a fit for them.

Take your time, look under the hood. Read the contract, get a lawyer to help you read the contract. Know what you want.
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Make sure the group doesn't have a non compote as well.

After all, if the ring turns out to be the wrong fit for the diamond, it would be a shame if it couldn't escape the grasp of those prongs.

Thing that's easy for a lot of start ups to forget, some clusters the principal no more owns their business than does a McDonald's franchisee.
After all, if the ring turns out to be the wrong fit for the diamond, it would be a shame if it couldn't escape the grasp of those prongs.

^^ Dude...that's an EPIC response.