Payments and Billing

I love cash! My clients know that I don't have/keep change, so whatever they bring in is put on the account payment and the company receipt is given to them. Maybe it helps that I am only 1 1/2 blocks from my bank branch and can easily go there as often as I feel the need, but....

Agency Bill? I used to love it. I would take the payment and put the net in a money market account to be drawn when it was due the company. However, since virtually all commissions anymore are predicated on direct bill (no diff in % between the two), there is no real point in taking the extra bookkeeping work on myself.

Why do the work to set up any kind of system to take card payments. All the companies do it and most have it set up on the website so all you have to do is punch in the numbers given you by your client. I will NOT accept email CC numbers - in person and phone only - since I'm not going to accept the possibility of someone else using their card illegally.
I am amazed that some do not take cash.

Our office has turned into about 50% credit/debt card payments over the phone (I miss some of my customers--some I have insured for the 17 yrs I have been in the business). Normally John Doe calls & says I need to make a payment. I pull up my card screen, verfiy the last 4 numbers on the file and give them a ref #. We still have about 10% that come into the office to make a card payment.

I take an average of 3-4 checks a day.

I do NOT keep petty cash in my office. Correct change only. I make dollar change if I have it, if not I offer customers to round up the payment. I usually have 1 or 2 customers a week that get upset but they either round up or go get change themselves.