Pcip About Broke

Agents were first, doctors are next. And just to think, just 135k enrolled have caused this kind of chaos.

Feds post PCIP regs | LifeHealthPro

Managers of the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) say health care providers will have to share some of the program's financial pain.
The federal PCIP program run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will set most reimbursement levels at just 100 percent of the Medicare reimbursement rates, officials said in a new interim final rule that is set to appear in the Federal Register May 22.

Officials said they've already made the following cost-cutting efforts:

  • Eliminating the payment of federal PCIP program referral fees to agents and brokers. (May 2012)
  • Putting federal PCIP program enrollees in a cheaper provider network and trying to negotiate volume discounts with some providers. (August 2012)
  • Requiring federal PCIP program enrollees to buy specialty drugs from in-network pharmacies. (August 2012)
  • Elimating two of three federal PCIP program plan design options; increasing the maximum out-of-limit for in-network services; and increasing the coinsurance rate for patients who have met the deductible requirement. (January 2013)
  • Shutting down federal PCIP program enrollment. (February 2013)
  • Shutting down state PCIP program enrollment. (March 2013)
  • Requiring states with state-run PCIP programs to shift to a fixed-payment contract from June 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, when the program ends, or else shut down their programs and put their enrollees in the federal PCIP program. (May 2013)
"The rule is set to take effect June 15. Comments will be due 60 days after the Federal Register publication date."

Something about this chronology doesn't look right. Oh, I forgot..it's our government at work, LOL.
Does anyone have any idea how we can help our clients or our business with this situation? Or should I forward the copycat "gubmint is bad" comments for their amusement?
Signs of all government programs - lackluster enrollment, overutilization, cost overruns, benefit reductions, price controls, rationing...

Don't hold back. Tell me how you really feel.
Not much difference in that and having Spanish billboards in Mexico (paid for with taxpayer dollars) promoting US food stamps.