PCIP Loss Reports


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
For chuckles and grins I asked Google for "PCIP loss reports" and came up with some interesting, but not so surprising results. At the top of the list was a report for the state of Washington.

Some excerpts . . .

Total member months through April were 1085

"the receivable for unbilled HHS reimbursements is $4.2 M. This
amount represents an offset of liabilities, including IBNR, which will be invoiced and funded by HHS before the end of the program"

"As of April 2011 YTD, total operating expenses are $340 K and HHS Reimbursement is $6.6 M."

"For April 2011 YTD, administrative expenses are $95 K or 17.2% favorable to budget (cash basis)."

"As of May 2011, membership is at 50.1% of projected year-end enrollment. Actual YTD claims PMPM is $3,574 as compared to $5,180 budgeted claims PMPM. As illustrated in the program summary, the current 2011 allotment of funds is projected
to deplete in August of 2011."

"As of April 2011, projections indicated that PCIP-WA will use up 75% of the original federally allotted funds by August 2012."

If you go further in to the report you find that premiums are not supporting the program. Without the heavy subsidy by HHS the program would have failed long ago.

2011 YTD premiums are $803,278 vs YTD claims of $3,408,946 medical plus $558,981 Rx.

HHS (taxpayer) reimbursements of $3,379,891 are needed to keep the program afloat for 263 participants.

For Sept 2010 through Dec 2010 they received $251,511 in premiums vs $1,005,816 in claims.

The program is not even a year old and already running a deficit if not for the taxpayer subsidy and these numbers are on fewer than 300 people who are getting a bargain.
Folks like us who deal with this every day are not shocked. The public, at least those who pay taxes, need to know this information.
Those evil insurance companies are now making my taxes go up! If they didn't worry about profits and would insure everyone, then my taxes wouldn't have to be spent like this.

Evil insurance companies!!!!
Of course I pay taxes. I bought a six pack of diet coke and they actually charged me taxes on that.

Don't make my taxes go up!!!!

Don't get me started on the millionaires and billionaires that can by their diet coke without paying the same amount of taxes that I do!!! Just isn't fair.

Diet Coke is for sissies. We drink the real stuff down here when we aren't drinking PBR.