Perfect Example Of Why You Should Door Knock Your Leads

If you remember... I owned a lead company... Who do you think invented the live transfer lead?

Well it sure as hell wasn't you! Not sure how old you are, but I'm betting they were around way before your time. We used them for a short time with annuities. That was 20 years ago and the older agents that were helping to train us talked about using them years before that.
Well it sure as hell wasn't you! Not sure how old you are, but I'm betting they were around way before your time. We used them for a short time with annuities. That was 20 years ago and the older agents that were helping to train us talked about using them years before that.
I was talking about within the company itself. LOL

I have no idea who came up with the concept of generating live transfers... theirs nothing proprietary there.
OMG! So now you want to say this author is the all being master of definitions? So, if I write a book and put my own definitions in there, are you just going to go by what I say? I sure as hell hope you wouldn't, but then again, you're listening to this guy who is not named Webster.

Robert Kiyosaki is an expert in this space. He's not "some guy".

If youre not aware who he is, shame on you.
I have no idea who the guy is. Any body that can read can see that there were 4 agents complaining....not just one. Maybe that agent dropped out of the biz 2 months later because he starved out waiting for your leads. He was only a business owner for a couple of months.....thanks to you. :yes:

I just think it's funny how you're on your pedestal and as TheDude referred to you "condesending"....while you take pot shots at other FMO's for things you apparently have done yourself. That's the game the Democrats are playing. It's so obvious. :laugh:

If youre interested in hearing peoples opinion of me, ask the agents I personally work with.

The ones you continue to bash since they've taken a cut in commission for leads.
Robert Kiyosaki is an expert in this space. He's not "some guy".

If youre not aware who he is, shame on you.

Like I said, his name doesn't have "Webster" anywhere in it.

Just so you know.....From Black's Law Dictionary:


An individual who owns and operates a business whether it be small or large. This individual also profits from the net gain of the company.

So, I think I'll go by this instead of "Some guy" who thinks he's smart enough and big enough to change the definition of it. I can't believe that you are letting somebody who wrote a book 8 short years ago redefine words that have had certain meanings for way more years that this dude has even been alive!
If youre interested in hearing peoples opinion of me, ask the agents I personally work with.

The ones you continue to bash since they've taken a cut in commission for leads.
I thought you didn't allow your agents to post on the Forum. :huh: cut their commissions AGAIN?!?! :shocked:
If youre interested in hearing peoples opinion of me, ask the agents I personally work with.

The ones you continue to bash since they've taken a cut in commission for leads.

With that I agree with you. If your agents are happy. And your carriers are happy. And you are happy, then a bunch of complainers on a forum don't really mean too much.

The forum takes too many negative tangents.
Like I said, his name doesn't have "Webster" anywhere in it.

Just so you know.....From Black's Law Dictionary:


An individual who owns and operates a business whether it be small or large. This individual also profits from the net gain of the company.

So, I think I'll go by this instead of "Some guy" who thinks he's smart enough and big enough to change the definition of it. I can't believe that you are letting somebody who wrote a book 8 short years ago redefine words that have had certain meanings for way more years that this dude has even been alive!

You looked up the wrong definition.

Here is the definition from the same source you used.


This word embraces everything about which a person can be employed. People v. Com'rs of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 242, 244. That which occupies the time, attention, and labor of men for the purpose of a livelihood or profit. The doing of a single act pertaining to a particular business will not be considered engaging in or carrying on the business; yet a series of such acts would be so considered. Goddard v. Chaffee, 2 Allen (Mass.) 305, 79 Am. Dec. 796; Sterne v. State, 20 Ala. 46. Labor, business, and work are not synonyms. Labor may be business, but it is not necessarily so; and business is not always labor. Making an agreement for the sale of a chattel is not within a prohibition of labor upon Sunday, though it is (if by a merchant in his calling) within a prohibition upon business. Bloom v. Richards, 2 Ohio St. 387.

Webster says business is: a commercial or sometimes an industrial enterprise (enterprise: a business organization)


I understand why some may think I'm being condesending by saying a self employed person doesn't run a business... I get it... but it doesnt change what subject matter experts say running a business looks like...

Sole proprietor... entrepreneur... self employed... all mean something different than being in business.

Simply put... a business can run without the owner present.

BUT... if it makes you feel good to say you own a business and you are really self employed... then go for it....