Pipe Dreams for Next Year

Article also says that people with health issues that will kill them or shorten lifespan (lung disease, malnourishment, heavy alcohol/tobacco/drug use, mental illness) make individuals underweight. Being underweight is the symptom, not the cause.

It's hard to prove correlation for causality.

A BMI<18 is pretty extreme. 6ft tall male <135lbs? I could see my ribs and had random people feeding me when I was 165 (I'm 6ft tall and relatively athletic, I was in great shape). The lowest I hit was 148, and that was in the midst of a serious health issue last month. I can't imagine being 135 or less.

Ooops I thought we were talking pipe dreams...

True pipe dream, that's far too logical for government to approve.

I would love to see the government make use of the thousands of licensed and experienced brokers across the country to advise Americans, instead of barely trained civil servants at a call center, or unlicensed navigators.

I'm just glad that exchange certification has a 5-year renewal. Wouldn't want to waste 2 days and a few hundred bux again this year.

With the Obama administration and all the liberals that get that tingly feeling deep inside when they hear his name celebrating the 7 million number this week without any regard to the real numbers they are ignoring such as how many have paid, how many are actually healthy and how many actually understand their plan, how many have the proper coverage for their situation....etc, etc, etc, just think about how large that number would be if the administration actually gave a damn about the people of this country and said, 'Yes, I signed a crap law and it will go down in history, but to ease the blow and make the most of it, instead of using my minions that would eat my poop if I told them, you should seek the advice of a licensed health insurance professional. To find one near you, go to my crap website and type in your zip code.'

Instead, people that have needed to get something treated for a long time and are now able to do so, are paying little in regard to premium, but are facing huge deductibles that they will not be able to afford when they get that thing growing out of the side of their neck cut out. All because these wonderful call center employees that can't tell the difference between a PPO and a POS told the consumer to just sign up for the cheapest plan.

I bet if the government had any credibility and actually encouraged the use of health insurance professionals, we would have exceeded 10 million sign ups nation-wide easily. And created more jobs than what was created with the call centers. But what do I know? I have never organized a community before, I guess.

Edited to add: After reading that, I kind of sound bitter.....
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We're all a little bitter...

Just wait until you see how many CSR eligible individuals are in Bronze/Gold/Platinum plans... Those people will be bitter (especially now that they're stuck there!)

emptyeternity, that's a nightmare, not a dream. You already know that sinking feeling you get as that thing inevitably tips over and heads towards it's destiny of a thousand pretty little broken pieces. No one dreams of that.
We're all a little bitter...

Just wait until you see how many CSR eligible individuals are in Bronze/Gold/Platinum plans... Those people will be bitter (especially now that they're stuck there!)

emptyeternity, that's a nightmare, not a dream. You already know that sinking feeling you get as that thing inevitably tips over and heads towards it's destiny of a thousand pretty little broken pieces. No one dreams of that.

At least the Bronze is cheaper, but explaining to clients why they should ignore Gold and Platinum plans in favor of a cheaper, better silver plan was a lot of fun
At least the Bronze is cheaper, but explaining to clients why they should ignore Gold and Platinum plans in favor of a cheaper, better silver plan was a lot of fun

I loved it! I sold almost all Bronze plans, $6K, no copay plans. Love that plan!
I was more concerned about the people who qualify for 94%CSR silver and went on the "free" bronze plan. Navigators were recommending that left and right because it's "free".

It makes me want to bang my head against a wall. They really don't want to spend $1,000/year for a plan with no deductible and a chump change max out of pocket. They'd much rather have a "free" plan that puts them on the hook for more money than they've ever had at one time if they need to use it...
Most of my clients chose the Silver CSR plan for $50-100 more a month where they are actually paying something.

My question is, what if they can no longer afford it. Can they change their plan to a bronze plan for chump change or are they stuck letting it lapse?

Wouldn't that be a hoot for getting people covered.
I was talking about my off exchange people, who were pre funding their HSA's. I'm in agreement with you Ray.
Definitely agreed the ES eligible folks should take it. I just see that there's at least a rationale for taking bronze. There's no good reason a 94% eligible person should be taking Gold or Platinum.