PL Rater or EZLynx

Semcat says: [we just integrated with them]
What is SEMCAT?
SEMCAT is the only solution in the insurance space that enables agencies to workflow with over 280 carriers - over doubling the support of the nearest comparative rater. SEMCAT is frequently the only option supporting an agency's regional and local carriers. Our unique approach to quoting enables agents to obtain 100% accurate rates. Our simple mantra is "The Real Rate the FIRST Time."

We had many requests for them so we just added them in the last month. Curious to see the comments here on the different rating tools. Free trial also if you click on the link I posted above:yes:
We at CoverHound like EZLynx though we work mostly on their testing site which is not the most efficient.
Bob Klee,

I'm curious why a lead vendor would hook up with a comparative rater if your motivation is to sell good, quality leads to your agents/customers? Do you also provide quotes to clients directly?
I'll answer that...
As an agent, I really like it when I can click a link and the quote opens in my rater, I don't have to retype all of the basic info.

It really speeds up the process beyond believe. If you use internet leads and your lead provider integrates to your rater, you should really try it out. It is way cool!!!!

So now, my lead management system dials the lead as soon as its posted. I click the link for the rater info and by the time the client answers, I have a quote based on the info he submitted, in under a minute from the time the prospect clicked submit.

Okay, it doesn't ever work as slick as it sounds, but it definitely gets you 90% of the way there. Talk to the client, verify the info, make the appropriate changes, actually pull the MVR, bridge to the carrier, bind the policy, done in 10 minutes.

Otherwise, I'm typing info in for 10 minutes.

Thanks for the info. Being that we generate our own exclusive leads we just have the cplive feature that gives the prospect instant quotes...had me scratching my head
SEMCAT is the only solution in the insurance space that enables agencies to workflow with over 280 carriers - over doubling the support of the nearest comparative rater. SEMCAT is frequently the only option supporting an agency's regional and local carriers. Our unique approach to quoting enables agents to obtain 100% accurate rates. Our simple mantra is "The Real Rate the FIRST Time."

We had many requests for them so we just added them in the last month. Curious to see the comments here on the different rating tools. Free trial also if you click on the link I posted above:yes:[/quote]


Thanks for mentioning us.

For those asking about the home side in Florida SEMCAT provides a unique value in that specific market because of the hurricane concerns. The carriers there arent available on the traditional comparative raters so SEMCAT's approach provides a unique value specifically in Florida. Some agencies use a combo of EZLynx, QQ, Accu-Auto and SEMCAT and some just use SEMCAT it really just depends on the agents preferred workflow.

Streamlining the initial call back for leads is paramount if you're an agency buying leads. The same goes for linking up with consumers from your website and Facebook. If you dont have something linked up to help there I would strongly recommend checking with your rating vendor as most of us do provide integration with lead vendors to help you get back to the client FIRST! You also want to enable the staff to save time by preventing redundant data entry.

Hometown quotes does get good reviews from many of our clients (especially in Florida) so feel free to check with Bob for more info on their platform!

I am just at the two year mark as an independent agent and looking at automation (agency mgt. systems, raters, lead managers, etc.)
Your systems sounds ideal. Are you up for sharing more of the details?

dude, whats up with you, you been pulling alot of couple year old threads back to life lately.....WTH

I'm curious as it has been 2+ years.

What Agency Mgmt system are P&C agents using today? EZLynx, Vertafore or?

Those two look very robust. If you want a system to manage leads like Leads360/Velocify, yet then be able to manage the policies one issues + have a way for the client to log into your site to get insurance cards, see payment history, request a quote on a different type of policy, track commissions, MANAGE your agency.
Is there ONE tool that does this & if so, who has the BEST solution?
