Please Don't Sell Me Things


Don't just touch the head, touch your clients heart.

Don't sell me shoes; sell me style and comfort.
Don't sell me tires; sell me safety and low cost per mile.
Don't sell me books; sell me pleasant hours and the profit of knowledge that my family will be okay if I'm not around.

Please don't sell me things. Sell me ideas, benefits, visual pictures, feelings, self-respect, home life, happiness and cost savings. Please don't sell me things!

Sell benefits, not just features.
Appeal to both emotion and logic
Ask yourself before a call, "What are the major benefits this person may be looking for?"
Outside of those communities where the bulk of the populace are functional illiterates, no agent sells anyone anything.

To paraphrase Fox News: "We educate, you decide."

That may backfire if what they want doesn't exist.

As in, I want a low deductible, with $5 co pays, etc. Now you can't provide that.

It may be better to build value based on needs and desires.

Here's a better idea...

Ask the potential client what benefits they may be looking for.
moonlightandmargaritas vbmenu_register("postmenu_166886", true);

Re: Please Don't Sell Me Things Go to Top
Originally Posted by TDY418

Ask yourself before a call, "What are the major benefits this person may be looking for?"

Here's a better idea...

Ask the potential client what benefits they may be looking for.


Their reply."We know what we want. We want the BCBS of FL H.S.A that my sister has.
Can you provide it Moonlighter, or are you full of margaritas?"
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It's like the old saying - No one has ever gone into a hardware store wanting a drill. What they want is a hole.
It's like the old saying - No one has ever gone into a hardware store wanting a drill. What they want is a hole.

Actually, I did go to the hardware store wanting a drill yesterday. Bought a B&D for $30...
