Political Humor

Election was in fact stolen...but one and done.

Example, true story I am caring for both of my aging parents 90+
Both of my parents got 3 separate mail in ballots in the mail, state of Georgia! Never requested one of them, to this day I wish I would have keep them instead of throwing them in the trash...Hell they could have voted 4 separate times. So Fool, there is some facts you were requesting.
Shoulda told Rudy, as he couldn't find any examples, nor could the Republican judges who laughed him out of countless courts.
I am totally convinced that MOST people that hate Trump are jealous of his accomplishments in life!

I for one am very proud of the man, there never has and never will be another like him.

I am proud to be a MAGA supporter!
Yes, he supported ACN, ran a pyramid scheme university, and put the Amway Queen, Betsy Devos in charge of the education portfolio. Taking inflation into account, his net worth is lower now than the money his father left him.
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I am totally convinced that MOST people that hate Trump are jealous of his accomplishments in life!

I for one am very proud of the man, there never has and never will be another like him.

I am proud to be a MAGA supporter!
Many of the people who hate my President, hate him because of lies the Left made up...like Trump's a racist...Trump's Hitler(this one makes anybody that says it look STUPID), etc.