Political Humor

I am not offended by it, merely asking why would you want to post something that is not true? There was no mention in your post about it being a joke, so your excuse that it was posted as a joke rings hallow.
Is anything that has been posted in this thread true? This is a humor thread, not a truth thread.
Do this one next. Real or not real?

I was looking at your fex contracting page of commissions and CO’s . Out of that page there’s really only 7 to 8 level CO’s to write anymore . If 3-4 more leave hell we all might be writing Lincoln and senior life . Lol . No question CO’s taking note of this and i bet 5-10% rate increases coming . It’s really quite amazing based on the last 4 yrs mass inflation carriers really never raised rates . Some got to be hurting
I was looking at your fex contracting page of commissions and CO’s . Out of that page there’s really only 7 to 8 level CO’s to write anymore . If 3-4 more leave hell we all might be writing Lincoln and senior life . Lol . No question CO’s taking note of this and i bet 5-10% rate increases coming . It’s really quite amazing based on the last 4 yrs mass inflation carriers really never raised rates . Some got to be hurting
There will always be companies to sell as long as there are people wanting to buy.