Pops T65, Now I Am N a Twist.

I'm guessing that's because of your commission amount too? Plan G may not be the best for everyone. Hell, I've never written one.

really? Plan G in almost every scenario is more cost effective than plan F. Usually by a lot.

In Florida it may not be that way but Med supps are pretty broken down there anyway.
UHC F plan is it in Florida, at least in Southwest Florida, no one can compare to it, we don't even offer the G nor the High deductible F. The N plan is a tough sale I find, everyone goes with F.
Yes I sure am, I am an ica and we cannot sell anything for ma or pdp but them, so i am shackled to uhc lol
somarco said:
Too bad you are not in a position to really help clients.

Actually if he is selling med supps only he is doing fine by them.

In FL the UHC plan F is cheaper than any other company's plan F OR another company's plan G! UHC doesn't even have the G plan
Yeah but when you finally set yourself free from their shackles -- you'll rock!!!

I already rock, uhc is the best choice in sw florida and has been for the last 3 years, when it is no longer the best choice i will then no longer sell it.
I always do whats best and never just "sell" it for the commission.
Actually if he is selling med supps only he is doing fine by them.

Well then it is too bad the only choice is AARP/UHC

Years ago south FL was part of my territory and most carriers did not want to sell business there, mostly due to fraud and corruption. Based on reports about Medicare "sting" operations, it doesn't seem like things have changed.

The few carriers that were writing business there eventually pulled out. At one time AvMed wrote a fair amount of business (medical, not Medicare). Don't know if they still write there or not.
The mapd by uhc is a great policy actually.
Humana is in the area but their formulary and provider directory is tiny.
bc/bs has a very similar plan but since they don't pay their agents, its not being sold much
There is also the Universal plan but it being a strict hmo is no competition for the rppo I have.
I don't have any complaints from my consumers on claims pay or anything else however I am not a write and run agent like some, I am always answering questions and helping my clients.