Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

The first article doesn't have much in actual numbers as to how much of an increase that they are seeing. Just that the island is being used the same way it has been used. The director of a non profit says that there was a "spike" without going into specifics.

The second article is about a youtube clip with someone saying "There's a truck that we're gonna' put the f—king bodies in, bro," so obviously I can't argue with hard science like that.

When (if) you finally get the data you want, what will you do with it? When do you expect to be published?
Since Covid-19 attacks lungs, there's a theory put up by our scientists, who claim that early testing shows that the spread here is lower due to an interesting fact.
In order to root out tuberculosis, since WW2 all the population was forced to get a BCG vaccine. Newborn infants have it on day 2, while for the rest there were programs to vaccinate everyone.

The death rate and cases (per million) of Covid-19 around here are much lower than Italy, Spain, UK etc...

  1. Official Q & A
  2. Does the BCG vaccine for TB help with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?
Does the BCG vaccine for TB help with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?
Can a TB (tuberculosis) vaccine be used for Covid-19 (coronavirus)?

Medically reviewed by Melisa Puckey, BPharm Last updated on Mar 31, 2020.

Official Answer
It is hoped the BCG vaccine will increase the body's immunity against COVID-19 which is caused by the coronavirus SARS-COV-2, so will help patients fight the infection.

Clinical trials are currently underway to find out if the BCG vaccine will help.

  • The BCG vaccine is being studied in clinical trials against COVID-19 (the illness caused by the coronavirus SARS-COV-2).
  • An earlier clinical trial which was done on patients who had a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2, showed that the BCG vaccine helped to decrease the levels of the virus in the patient.
  • It is hoped that these studies will show the BCG vaccine may decrease the amount of coronavirus in COVID-19 patients and reduce the number of cases and severity of COVID-19.
  • The clinical trial will be a multi-centre randomised controlled study.
Does the BCG vaccine for TB help with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

More than just lungs . . .
Still hoping for the best and a uick but responsible end of the shut down.

But this covid-19 is some really bad voodoo

I don't know what voodoo is in Chinese, but that's what I'd call it - bad Chinese Voodoo.

Google tells me it bad 伏都教

I 100% agree with this post.

However, for the sake of "social justice" and stirring the pot, I am going to go ahead and accuse you of being racist (for no real good reason).

I'll let the millennial social justice warriors take it from here.
When (if) you finally get the data you want, what will you do with it? When do you expect to be published?

I'm not sure what you are referring to. There is plenty of useful data infection counts, fatality rates, etc.

Those articles were not news, they were just about about Hart island continuing to bury bodies. Or bodies continuing to be removed from hospitals in refrigerated containers with some foul mouthed half wit commenting in the background. Neither of those were data. They were just articles targeted towards weak minded or emotional people that would assume this was news. Crowded hospitals with people dying of influenza? Been happening for decades. Families losing loved ones? Centuries.

Additional data on infections, fatality rates, etc. That is useful information. Emotional articles on how someone died of coronavirus? Not useful data. Where were the articles on all the children that died from the flu 2 years ago?
Have you noticed how it's so big in the news how it is affecting minorities more now?

Do you remember that they told us in the very beginning this was going to happen because that's where you find the most diabetes, poor health in general, etc?

Why are they acting like this is something that came from nowhere and they are trying to figure out why this is happening?

MEDIA! .....Just give us your dirty laundry!
MEDIA! .....Just give us your dirty laundry!

I'd like to add that media - whether Clinton New Network or Trump State Faux News - has very little that deserves credibility. Robin Meade on the CNN (HLN) side, and Tucker Carlson on the Fox side are my two favorites. Can't say I agree with everything Tucker says, but I do think he sticks largely to facts and is willing to call out pols on both sides, including Trump. I also find Chris Wallace credible, of course.

But the media really needs to get back to a more Walter Cronkite type of role and stick to factsa nd stop editorializing (not that Cronkite didn't ever express an opinion, but when he did, it had weight because it was so rare).