Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

Another tip That's working for me: add-ons. The very last thing I fill out on the app is the benefit amount / premium.
- "I bet it feels good Knowing that your kids won't go broke when you die!
- Let me ask, did you want to leave a couple thousand dollars extra for bobby beneficiary for just a few cents a day?
- once a premium is settled, then offer rounding up. "Most people like to work with whole numbers miss Jones. Would $55 be easier for you to remember?"

It's worth stating for newbs that I split up the add ons with rounding last. I don't want them to feel like they're being taken for a ride. Just giving them food for thought at different times. I think buyers remorse would be greater if that's how they remember me. I want them to remember me as having their best interest as my #1 priority.

I've always had that in my heart, but it wasn't always presented that way. Which brings to mind my breakout happened when I wasn't worried about what to say. The more questions you ask and the more responses you write, then address them all through the presentation as "this is exactly what the program does", as mentioned, the more it shows you are helping them.
Be a problem solver NOT a regular salesman.

When I started I had 2 companies.. A company that offered a full benefit and graded benefit. And second I had a gauranteed issue company. Between those two I was able to write a ton of business. It's important to keep your priorities in order. Product knowledge is NOT as important as getting out in the field, cutting your teeth and seeing the people with a few companies you represent

Amen brother, I'm new with just 2 companies (SNL & Monumental) plus Mutual of Omaha for the children's whole life. Thanks for the advice from the front lines, that's why I love these forums. I'm out D2D, TM leads and DM lead sand it's working for me.
Ok, so I decided to work Miami 1 day just to see if it is as hard now as it was when I attempted to sell there 2 years ago...


40 Leads

10 Appointments

2 Presentations completed

4 that just wanted to get rid of me

2 had the family member lie to me saying "she's not here"

1 Gerber Sale $660 AP but that was Solid

Lesson Learned

If anyone is interested, I have some free leads in Miami that wouldn't answer the
Oh man. That's tough! One thing I learned real quick by meeting the being people doing this's very true that our future is shaped by our attitudes, faith in ourselves, and of course God. Even if one is not faithful to God, it's difficult to deny that there's order in the world.

Miserable people live miserable lives. No new revelation there, but man has my faith in that strengthened quickly!

Your attitude is already pointed out. You don't fail, you learn. Ok, maybe it seems like a little slower than you'd But, that's your strong perseverance at play. Put those two together, and you're unstoppable!
Oh man. That's tough! One thing I learned real quick by meeting the being people doing this's very true that our future is shaped by our attitudes, faith in ourselves, and of course God. Even if one is not faithful to God, it's difficult to deny that there's order in the world. Miserable people live miserable lives. No new revelation there, but man has my faith in that strengthened quickly! Your attitude is already pointed out. You don't fail, you learn. Ok, maybe it seems like a little slower than you'd But, that's your strong perseverance at play. Put those two together, and you're unstoppable!
his attitude is good because he usually does $3000 per DAY minimum lol
Well reading alot of great info... New to game on FE and sales. Leads are challenging for me in the market. DM didn't workout to good due to Multiple agents get same leads. So going for radio and internet.
Well reading alot of great info... New to game on FE and sales. Leads are challenging for me in the market. DM didn't workout to good due to Multiple agents get same leads. So going for radio and internet.

Internet leads re usually sold to 3-5 agents at the time they are received.. Much more "competitve" than DM leads.