Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

Silly rabbit...takes just as much time to fax as it does to scan and email ;)

But I can't put my writing number on it if you don't send to me!


$9,865 last week...dunno how many apps or pres and I'm too lazy to find out. I'm getting beat up like Rodney King this week though.

You don't count. I'm muting you from the ding machine!
Lol I just finished entering all my appts for tommorrow and plotting door knocks for the areas I have appts.looks like a 9-9 day then I'll take a 3 day weekend and work a few days next week.I did a 30k Mail drop staggered from the end of oct to mid November so hopefully I'll have a ton of leads to work threw month end jan. I'll drop 30-40k in mid jan and start ordering 20-40 fixed cost around jan 7th.