Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

I don't need to post my numbers, cuz I quit and am going here.

When you get there tell them Satan sent you:D


On the leads I worked this week was from a drop of 3k pieces. Of the 3K drop it was 440 per K. I've received 65 leads so far from that drop. I've worked 14 of the leads. I had two other appointments this week of of older leads. I wound up blowing those appointments off.

I actually sat with 14 of of a total of nineteen appointments. Of those nineteen appointments I blew off two and two were no show.

I've still got about fifty leads that I've not contacted. I wrote just under 8K this week from this 3k drop.

That should give you an idea if my ROI.

Out of the 14 presentations I wrote 8 apps.

You are a beast, a beast I say:1smile:


Ok so a little late to the party, I wrote $4000 last week, this week, ehh only $650 from a rewrite on a DE lapse and another very small app. It happens and I didnt travel this week, stayed home and chilled. Its balls to the walls from here till the end of the year though.
I'll play...

Last week
34 leads
16 appts
13 presentations
7800 AP

This week so far...
no new leads
13 appts
11 presentations
10,400 AP...what what ;). Horseshoe is planted firmly up my arse this week


I'll play... Last week 34 leads 16 appts 13 presentations 7800 AP This week so far... no new leads 13 appts 11 presentations 10,400 AP...what what ;). Horseshoe is planted firmly up my arse this week

Wait...I lied. I got 5 new leads from Thad yesterday.
I'll play...

Last week
34 leads
16 appts
13 presentations
7800 AP

This week so far...
no new leads
13 appts
11 presentations
10,400 AP...what what ;). Horseshoe is planted firmly up my arse this week


Wait...I lied. I got 5 new leads from Thad yesterday.

I knew I was missing something. I forgot to write down presentations. .....
Glad we are getting this thread up and running again!

22 DM leads
10 presentations... 8 sales... $4,364 AP so far for the week.

Will keep you guys posted on how my week finishes.

great week so far gooner!