Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

You hit the nail on the head. What amazes me is some agents think every area is the same as far as appointments, leads and sales, they are not the same in every area, some areas are vastly different.

Once you work with a cadre of insurance agents, it becomes crystal clear there are local, regional, and national differences in how well final expense can be marketed, sold, and retained.

Many of these differences are prevalent on a small scale, ie, differences in ZIPs and counties.

Nothing but careful planning to "play the odds" in the fullest to your favor -- and working through the inevitable pitfalls and slumps all successful agents go through -- can help you establish a profitable territory.

Most know my fundamental rules of FE lead generation -- no ghettos, no Suburbia; only small towns, rural areas, and manufacturing-focused areas, with rural areas having the more consistent results.

With that said, nothing beats doing. There are plenty of counties I have worked over the past three years that I will never have anything to do with again; several in North Georgia, one in North Alabama, several in Tennessee. That comes with experience, or, "paying your dues."

Of course there is the individual element at play with each agent, which I have learned determines a higher percentage of the outcome of success or failure, than locality.
Hi Guys,

Great idea to post our numbers!

Last week I had 10 sales for 7175 AP.

Hoping to keep it rolling this week! Good luck to guys out there too!
And I don't really care about the teams that much. But in Alabama, they get stupid over it. But if he wore LSU, he wouldn't live to finish the 48. I never ever talk religion, politics, or college football in a house lol.

That's my motto, too. But I'll talk football if I see they're also a fan. Most likely I'll talk less about it as the season progresses.

I never ever talk religion, politics, or college football in a house lol.
I don't agree....if I see ROLL TIDE, WAR EAGLE, NOLES, or anything like that, I'm the biggest fan there is. The only caveat to this is....don't say you're a fan and not be "prepared" to talk football. I'm always prepared that way, no matter which team it is.
I never ever talk religion, politics, or college football in a house lol.
I don't agree....if I see ROLL TIDE, WAR EAGLE, NOLES, or anything like that, I'm the biggest fan there is. The only caveat to this is....don't say you're a fan and not be "prepared" to talk football. I'm always prepared that way, no matter which team it is.

Yea I'm always for who they like but I don't bring it up. Then you are there for hours listening to football stories lol.