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Postcard in a Bag with Rocks on My Driveway?

Avon and lawn service companies do it all the time. I doubt I would respond to an insurance offer in a baggie other than call the cops on the guy for littering. Is a baggie with rocks and a business flyer/card in it the kind of image you are going for?
Why not just take a crap in their yard and leave a note saying: "Is your health insurance crappy? I can help."

Reminds me of some guys I used to work with at Pru many moons and suns ago.

If people were rude to them on a nighttime appointment, they would pee in their bushes on the way out.

This is similar, no? Or are you talking from more of a prospecting standpoint?
Reminds me of some guys I used to work with at Pru many moons and suns ago.

If people were rude to them on a nighttime appointment, they would pee in their bushes on the way out.

This is similar, no? Or are you talking from more of a prospecting standpoint?

Reminds of of a Mega agent I worked which who drove 2 hours and got stood up. He just parked in the driveway and say (making calls and such.)

Two hours later the couple rolled up and there he was - ready for his pitch.