Pre-existing Conditions

speaking of money, there's a pain management office here in tampa charging $650.00 for an office visit.

damn i really am in the wrong business.
if she is not working... medicaid is the best option.. or she could try to get a job with a large company that has medical benefits. this is why they have medicaid.

All plans become guaranteed issue on January 1st, 2014. Until then, she'll be denied by all companies that underwrite/deny for health conditions.

Since she is not a child (under age 19), the child GI won't help her. She can, however, get on her parent's group plan through their employer, if her parents have one. That's guaranteed issue until age 26 I believe.

Otherwise, she may want to check out some different options for people who've been denied health insurance for pre-existing conditions.

There may be a state program or a high risk pool in her state that can get her through until January 1st, 2014. Talk to an agent in your local area to find out her options. They will be a good resource for you.

Jared B.
Definitely check to see if your state has a high risk pool. In IL, our pool started last year and the rates are very comparable to standard rates for other carriers. Applicants must have been uninsured for 6 months and they will even accept a letter from a doctor that the applicant has an uninsurable condition (vs being declined by a carrier). Just referred a family friend who has had two different forms of cancer (fortunately cancer free) and she was approved with a letter from her doctor. Your state may have something similar.