
Where can I find a good FIA in home presentation/process?

Through years of practice sitting in front of prospects. You get a feel for what to say and when to say it. If there was one thing you could use for every situation that would be great. I think taking bits and pieces from different presentations/processes is a good idea.
I do... and I don't like it. If they don't have enough assets, it can just be depressing. I would only use it on a 2nd appointment, not on a first appointment - just for that reason.

I think the software works BEST when you can do a "Buy income and invest the difference" kind of scenario. This way you still have projected assets that can "make up" the difference in the future due to increasing inflationary retirement income needs.

However, if you incorporate a "go-go", "slow-go", and "no-go" years into the income needs, it can "even it out" the income needs in the retirement income picture. And yes, by clearing out the assumed income needs to zero... and inputting the needs as "special expenses" and adjusted for inflation in those line items.

Wow thanks for helping out, this was really helpful