Qualifying/ Screening Over the Phone?

Take your pick, qualify or don't over the phone. Just two things:

1. Be consistent. If you are going to pre-qualify, pre-qualify everyone. If you aren't, then don't pre-qualify at all. Now, if you normally don't pre-qualify and it will be a very far drive for just one appointment/lead, make an exception.

2 Work from a position of plenty. If you have enough leads to keep you busy, you won't get all bummed out because one person wouldn't let you pre-qualify, or because you didn't pre-qualify and they were a tire-kicker.

Thank you for your response Vol-Agent. When qualifying over the phone, do you ask your potential clients if they have a checking account?
Thank you for your response Vol-Agent. When qualifying over the phone, do you ask your potential clients if they have a checking account?

The leads I get already ask that question along with if they have had a heart attack or stroke, cancer and are diabetic or not. I sometimes ask those questions again for clarity but generally I don't.

I drove an hour on Saturday to a guy I didn't qualify enough for. When I got there he said he doesn't make his own decisions. He wasn't married and had a power of attorney from a family friend since he doesn't manage his own bills. I could have asked the question, do you make your own decisions. He seemed like he was fine over the phone and was actually very responsive. After 14 years in the biz, this was the first situation I ran into. Generally, I don't ask men that question.
Thank you for your response Vol-Agent. When qualifying over the phone, do you ask your potential clients if they have a checking account?

Who says I qualify over the phone? ;)

If I were qualifying over the phone, I definitely would want to find that out. See if they have a credit card, debit card or bank account.