Quite the Day in Virginia with the Earthquake and All.

So this is more of a state endorsed program, not an individual offering by private insurers from reading on the surface?

CEA is a state managed program. www.earthquakeauthority.com

"The California Earthquake Authority is a publicly managed, largely privately funded organization that provides catastrophic residential earthquake insurance and encourages Californians to reduce their risk of earthquake loss."

EQ Insurance (the agency I work for) uses insurance companies, such as Geovera, AXIS Reinsurance, etc. to compete against the CEA.
I have no idea brother. That's on the P&C side and you might as well be talking Greek to me.

All I know is if you have health insurance, and you get hurt in the earthquake, it might pay (unless you're on Medicare and then it will pay). If you have life insurance and you die, it will pay! ;)
The epicenter of the quake has been pin-pointed to a graveyard outside of DC, where all of our Founding Fathers just rolled over in their graves.

This is the first time I actually laughed at one of your posts RBA. It's good to see you have a humorous side, not just your signature "sarcasm"! LOL By the way.....I agree....must have been the forefathers!!!:D