
Would he even fit their height and weight chart?

362#s on the deluxe 20 max $50,000. (old chart, so not positive) I have not looked at the app. So there may be other knock outs. Premier is 322#s

Good question from S'nut. is that 320 now or before. This close I doubt they even give him any credit for any lost.
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He would fit Assurity Non Med 350 at a Tbl 6. 6'2" up to 326 lbs.

250K 10 yr term - 62.26; 15 yr term 76.56; 20 yr term - 90.42 mo.

They would surely APS since he had recent surgery. I would discuss with u/w in advance and know his weight at the time of surgery, loss since surg, etc. since he close to the max limit now.
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How much weight has he lost since the surgery...? And he weighs 320 NOW... correct...?

Most cos will give 1/2 credit for weight loss, meaning they will want to add back one half of any weight loss of less than 1 yr. This may push him over Assuirty max of 326 lbs. I would discuss with u/w, as mentioned earlier.

There is always Monu / TA FE up to 50K; no Ht - Wt question if all other health related issues pass. $ 95 mo. Also Assurity SIWL goes to 50K and up to 345 lbs on ht - wt for him, at 84.92 mo. Sagicor is another SIWL that goes to 50K at his age at 67.92 mo but not familiar with their u/w guidelines.

He has had surgery in the past year, Assurity isn't going to touch him on the FE. Pretty sure they won't on the SI term as I had them decline a similar case.
He has had surgery in the past year, Assurity isn't going to touch him on the FE. Pretty sure they won't on the SI term as I had them decline a similar case.

I did get a similar bariatric surg case approved for a Non Med 350 case several years ago... Keep in mind this fellow is 4 month post surg, not a pending surgery.

After reviewing the SIWL application I see nothing in any question which would disqualify or restrict coverage for him, with the exception of the 345 lbs on the Ht Wt chart, depending on how many pounds of his lost weight they would add back in.
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I did get a similar bariatric surg case approved for a Non Med 350 case several years ago... Keep in mind this fellow is 4 month post surg, not a pending surgery.

After reviewing the SIWL application I see nothing in any question which would disqualify or restrict coverage for him, with the exception of the 345 lbs on the Ht Wt chart, depending on how many pounds of his lost weight they would add back in.

Betcha he has some in patient time. And you know underwriting won't stop until they find it. I won't want to submit him to that phone call.