QuotesMonkey Insurance Leads

All leads are Ohio residents...families of three or more that can obtain comprehensive coverage for less than $80 per month.

Rate increase in OH?

I would have thought they could buy health insurance for no more than $45 at OH rates . . .
What, no Kobe steak and Kirin beer?

Nope... what you refer to is the super-duper Diamond Plan, available for 89.95, but only on the last Weds of the month, and on months that contain 5 Weds...

Looks like Oct is your next shot to get onboard... if you miss that then you will have to wait unitl next April...

Might I add, this is the most coveted plan we offer... :jiggy:
this is the most coveted plan we offer...

Any chance the plan is approved in GA?

I don't care about the rest of it, but the Kobe steak and Kirin is worth it.

Unless of course it is one of those limited meal plans . . .