Rate Shock? Who Knew?


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The average price for the lowest-cost ObamaCare "bronze" plan in eight states is 122% higher than the cheapest plan currently available in those states, according to an IBD analysis of rate filings and a recent Government Accountability Office report.

The late July report, largely overlooked by the press, provides detailed information on insurance plans today in all 50 states, from the cheapest plans offered to a 30-year-old nonsmoker to the most expensive plans 55-year-old couples can buy.

Comparing the two reveals a wide gulf between the cheapest plans available now and those that will be sold next year under ObamaCare.
In Ohio, for example, the least expensive "bronze" plan for a 25-year-old will cost $1,956 a year. That's almost three times higher than the cheapest plan in that state today, and higher than even the median-priced plan in the state, according to the GAO report.

In Virginia, the lowest "bronze" premium is $1,608 — which is 252% higher than the cheapest policy available today.

And Maryland's least expensive ObamaCare plan will be 83% higher than the lowest-cost plan sold in that state this year.
Aetna (AET) on Thursday pulled out of Maryland's exchange after state officials pressed it to lower its proposed rates by up to 29%.

Rate Shock: Young People Face Big ObamaCare Premium Hike - Yahoo! Finance
In Ohio, for example, the least expensive "bronze" plan for a 25-year-old will cost $1,956 a year. That's almost three times higher than the cheapest plan in that state today, and higher than even the median-priced plan in the state, according to the GAO report.

In Virginia, the lowest "bronze" premium is $1,608 — which is 252% higher than the cheapest policy available today.

And Maryland's least expensive ObamaCare plan will be 83% higher than the lowest-cost plan sold in that state this year.
Aetna (AET) on Thursday pulled out of Maryland's exchange after state officials pressed it to lower its proposed rates by up to 29%.

Rate Shock: Young People Face Big ObamaCare Premium Hike - Yahoo! Finance

Giving young people the "middle-finger bird" is how the Obama Administration demonstrates to young people their appreciation for being voted into office...twice!
Giving young people the "middle-finger bird" is how the Obama Administration demonstrates to young people their appreciation for being voted into office...twice!

He is bringing families together....There are many cultures that have multiple generations living in the same household....Obama is doing his best to bring that to the US.
It is these same youngens that are needed to make this work. Most of this demographic is facing a decision: pay these high rates even after subsidies, or pay 1% penalty. I doubt they will even get accident plans, just the penalty and continue with the same strategy that has gotten them this far: superman doesn't need health insurance and if I am in an accident, there is likely another type of policy (homeowners, auto) that will kick in some scratch to help with the bills, or just default on the bills.
But Sebelius told us that rate-shock doesn't exist and it was just fear mongering. Who are you guys going to trust, the government or your lying eyes?

I'd wager those 40 or so states hiding their rates have increases as bad as Ohio.
I attended a major carrier's meeting this week, with a preview of AZ plan designs and rates, and the rates for a 21 year old were 88% higher on apples-to-apples benefit comparison, and for the middle age folks it was 57%. Forgot how much for older folks - maybe YAgents can fill it in here, because he was at the meeting too.