Realistic Expectations

Focusing on contractors is good, but I would find something to balance it out. You will find contractors tend to be pretty tough (especially general contractors) to place. Actually, artisan contractors are pretty easy, but their business is pretty cyclical, and lapses happen (a lot, unfortunately).

The other issue with contractors is they tend to be a LOT of service work, needing certificates on a regular basis, and always waiting till the very last minute to tell you this. This is where a staff member tends to be helpful.

If it was me, I might start with contractors to get my feet wet, but within 3 months, I would add prospecting in another industry to bring balance to my book. Problem is, this time of year its hard to prospect contractors. Its possible, just not their busy season in to many areas. It is a good time to build relationships with them for early spring business.

The nice thing about insurance is you can be successful in many areas (even those people say you won't be) if you are passionate about what you do, have knowledge of the industry, provide value to your clients, and work like a dog.

Just dive in, plan on making a few course corrections, but realize a perfect plan doesn't exist. Go for it!
