Recent Email from Health Sherpa

I just had the same experience as sman...twice. MP rep said she can not "go back" and add the NPN information. She also said his application was complete before we even selected a plan!?

Read my prior post and Ning's prior post for your answer
Regarding the NPN dropping, we've been going back and forth with QSSI (CMS's vendor) around figuring it out. It does appear to be related to consumers calling in directly without the agent (as opposed to where the app was originally done), as the call center rep has control of the enrollment at that point. We are pressing for a resolution that ensures retention of NPN on the new 834 - they have engineers looking at it right now.

Regarding having to start a new app - the rep doesn't need to start a new app. There is a place to input your NPN on the plan finalization page (on the rep's side). You may need to communicate this to the rep if they believe otherwise.

Ning, thanks for the reply. I would like to add that we are seeing the NPN stripped whenever the FFM auto generates a new app for the client for an APTC adjustment, which is happening to quite a few people with income verification issues....Please pass along to QSSI. In addition, NPN info isn't auto populated on CIC/SEP apps when a client/agent logs into a clients account on the FFM to do the CIC/SEP.

Thanks for the help with this.
hang up and call back and get diff rep or have "client create" account and go in there and do it yourself

At this point, for me it's either the route or just not do SEP business (I'm leaning toward the latter). There's no point in doing the Heath Sherpa app if you end up having these types of issues.
At this point, for me it's either the route or just not do SEP business (I'm leaning toward the latter). There's no point in doing the Heath Sherpa app if you end up having these types of issues.

due to the uncertainty of the protocols with wbe apps I think I will just go direct to the marketplace from here on out.

What about on passive renewals next enrollment? If we are loosing the NPN on manual cic's then there is a chance... no matter how slight..... that the client is lost....
At this point, for me it's either the route or just not do SEP business (I'm leaning toward the latter). There's no point in doing the Heath Sherpa app if you end up having these types of issues.

This isn't isolated to Sherpa apps. I have seen multiple clients of mine where we did an app thru the front door of the FFM get an auto generated CIC/SEP app for APTC adjustment and the NPN gets stripped.

In addition, I have done a few manual CIC/SEP apps thru the FFM front door, and every time, my NPN is not auto populated in the CIC/SEP application.

At the end of the day, this is a stupid coding oversight that is causing us major headaches, lost time & revenue.....
This isn't isolated to Sherpa apps. I have seen multiple clients of mine where we did an app thru the front door of the FFM get an auto generated CIC/SEP app for APTC adjustment and the NPN gets stripped.

In addition, I have done a few manual CIC/SEP apps thru the FFM front door, and every time, my NPN is not auto populated in the CIC/SEP application.

At the end of the day, this is a stupid coding oversight that is causing us major headaches, lost time & revenue.....

We did CIC/SEP's during 2014 without these headaches. There's something more sinister at work here than mere "oversights"... IMO.
This isn't isolated to Sherpa apps. I have seen multiple clients of mine where we did an app thru the front door of the FFM get an auto generated CIC/SEP app for APTC adjustment and the NPN gets stripped.

In addition, I have done a few manual CIC/SEP apps thru the FFM front door, and every time, my NPN is not auto populated in the CIC/SEP application.

At the end of the day, this is a stupid coding oversight that is causing us major headaches, lost time & revenue.....

Write your congressman.

I'm not kidding.
Passive renewals do not appear to strip the BoR - we have verified this with folks from 2014 OEP. We will report back with progress as we get more info from QSSI's engineers.
This, as so much with the Marketplace, is a complete mess and disaster.

I had to do a re-enrollment today for a client who lost her subsidy due to not submitting the documents.

It is a family of 6 so was a pain but I went directly to the Marketplace and got it all done in 90 minutes (including the 3 way call)-I wound up splitting their 22 year old son on his own plan as he makes more than 100% FPL.

It wasn't the most fun 90 minutes I've ever spent but the commissions for the plan are almost $100 a month, or $700 for the rest of the year, I guess that is reasonable ROI for my time in the off season.

I'm not going to stress about the <10% of my book that needs attention outside of OEP and Sherpa will be the mode of choice during OEP for sure...
I just got this email from EBroker WBE. Did other WBE's get this memo from CMS, and will they have this capability too??

Direct Enrollment Is Expanding

Soon, eBroker Software will be able to connect to the Marketplace outside of the Open Enrollment Period!

CMS recently announced this exciting enhancement to Direct Enrollment, which will allow us to support initial enrollments that qualify for a Special Enrollment Period as early as this summer.