Probably the best part of your entire post.I could be wrong, but I'm not willing to burn through my savings or run up debt on a pipe dream.
The best advice I can give you is to stay the hell off of You Tube and FaceBook. That's where the pimps and posers are. There are plenty on here too but the real guys call them out when they start their bull shit.
I remember being where you are but that was over 50 years ago. I've probably seen every scam that's come down the pike. And I've never been bit.
As far as credit cards, don't. It's that simple. Buy a list and start calling. When you get your feet wet then buy some leads.
As far as Integrity and their leads, there's no problem with that. Todd's got one. Newby's got one. It's business. Todd and Newby are providing a service to their agents. That's good. Integrity does own their lead vendor. In fact they own two.
The problem is not the system. It's the pimp or poser behind the system.
As for Todd and Newby, they are both class acts and you can trust them both. And for the record, I think I've talked to Todd twice on the phone but I've never met him. As for Newby, I've never met or talked to the man. He doesn't even know who I am.
I could tell you a lot more but my computer is telling me that I've reached the end of the internet and I've got to turn around and go back.