Residential Push 1 Calling

Bottom line is that if everyone was doing it TODAY, there would be so many sales calls made this way it would be a terrible way to get business. You could probably more than triple the amount of these calls today and that's what you would be up against. People and companies getting good leads today (leads that come in while you sit on your butt without a headset attached) are getting them from their internet websites.

My point is that I wouldn't cry over it. The landscape wouldn't be the same today as it was. JMO
100% agree
Times change, markets change, consumers change......some bells can't be re-rung

or the 60's Celtics

Could never open and dominate like that's different world.

The Beatles
Michael Jackson

Couldn't dominate in today's changed world...too many outlets and cheap options

I agree Ob1, as cost and access barriers come down where there might have been a player or two in the past.....
Today a dude in a one bedroom apt in Tucson can complete almost equally with huge corps.

This would not have been possible, even a few years ago but Today with cheap toll-free #'s, e-fax, cheap nationwide phone service, websites all being able to look equally great, virtual phone systems, access to cheap labor, Fed-EX and on and on....the type of head start that a big company once had is gone.

The bad news or 'new challenge' is that because EVERYBODY and their brother can do "it"....
Marketing efforts that may have worked fine for a decade or so wind up getting 'burnt' in a year or two.....such is life.

Keep it moving but I still reminisce about the good ole days every now and then:)
So here is a question I know there is an exemption for Politicians and normally there is one for nonprofits. How do I create a nonprofit insurance agency?

Fair question: You can't. The way the regulations are written, if you cross the line and try to sell something outside of the scope of the exemption, you're now in violation. For example (the example they used):

Doctors office robocalls to remind you about a doctors appointment or something prescribed by a physician, no problem. Doctors office robocalls to sell you a line of vitamins, they're in violation.
Well then, How about setting up a robo call blast to 100s saying that their insurance appointment is tuesday at 10. Then when they call back to say this must be a mistake get a real appointment.