Rough Sledding for Medicare Expansion

Add nauseam, those who think in six month time horizons are all set and this watered-down bill will certainly ensure that. Six years is another world altogether.

I'm with ya kid. I just can't help but hope that the young people will continue to rally around Ron Paul and freedom and limited govt. and free markets as they did in 2008.
Maybe, I'm delusional.
Of course being idealistic they also bought into Barry's load about leaving there and healthcare reform, etc. Of course the pathetic media did our boy no favors next to Barry.
None of us can really know whether or not going into Iraq and spending a trillion dollars a year was and is a good idea in terms of security, etc. While I respect the soldiers for doing their job, I'm not sold on it being a good idea. They could have helped out during Katrina, etc? There, to me, are 2 economies in America. The super rich and small business. No bail out for the Latter? Like on 60 mins. last week where they interviewed that couple with their cabinet business. That is the best of what America is. They have to beg the fed. for a govt. contract? WTF? That is discouraging. We've dug this hole for ourselves with the federal reserve and govt. involvement, etc. Maybe your right. Maybe we are on a nonreversible path to oblivion. Perhaps America is C.T.D?

Caught and agreed w/ Romney crowing about - an investment tax credit,
allowing business to expense capitol expenditures and reducing the payroll tax.
That would be real stimulus.
Not more wasteful govt. programs.

Ron Paul 2012 - Champion of the constitution - time to defederalize.
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The look on Harry Reid's face?


Isn't it funny how these lib moron's are choking in their own vomit? How can these idiots believe, with such conviction, that policies so void of fundamental principals are sound? It has become abundantly clear that Obama knows only one set of methods to handle ANYTHING. He thinks like a lawyer-- everything being his version of black and white. And, he thinks like a neighborhood hood.

Regardless of what one thinks about Lieberman and his little low-testosterone personna, you gotta admit he has had a lot of fun with the dems in the last decade. First as VP candidate. And then running as an independent as he incurred their scorn. And then supporting McCain. And now he has them all eating out of his hand. Same with Olympia. Yeh, I know she and Lieberman are not Palin or Obama charismatic but nevertheless Obama is eating birdseed out of their hands as is the entire Democratic Party. Now that's entertainment!

I noticed that Olympia was invited over to the White House for breakfast with President last Saturday. Getting to be a weekly event but Obama doesnt seem to be gettin anywhere except on the areas which she herself proposed long ago. Perhaps Mr. Obama needs to check if she needs her coffee refilled and perhaps Joe Lieberman needs another bagel, oh wait, not politically correct, a donut. I want to go with her next time.

How is Harry's star doing? Rising or falling?
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No, not block it but it takes a different form from day to day. The public option was a done deal; signed sealed and, it's dead.

Then Medicare expansion was all hammered out, done - oh, not done, dead.

We'll have reform, a bill will be signed into legislation and I welcome it but every time I think I know what it's going to look like major provisions change.
We'll have reform, a bill will be signed into legislation and I welcome it but every time I think I know what it's going to look like major provisions change.

You welcome it why? Because your state is so screwed up it can't be worse for you? LOL. So instead the entire country has to have a downward spiral and increased costs?

You will benefit from ANY bill because your state is a disaster (as it relates to health care sales) - but this bill stinks, and real bad. I disagree with the contents and principals - this is a huge failure.

Yes I do support and want reform, but the reform and strategies I want were never, and will never be brought to the table. I am beginning to wonder if FAILURE is indeed part of the plan.