Rumor on Assurant

I believe there is a rule against using the words "brilliant" and "Assurant" in the same sentence . . .
You are correct. Clarity is expanding slowly into all Assurant markets and I've heard they will actually be lifting the advance cap around October for that product.

I have yet to hear how Assurant plans on getting around the "no cost sharing" provision regarding wellness by charging coinsurance for wellness on Coremed.
Ironically, Kaiser Health News published an Assurant-centered article today alluding to the possibility of it going belly-up.

Link: As Reform Improves The Overall Market, Inefficient Insurers Could Take Hits - Kaiser Health News


This does not surprise me.

I think this company is in serious trouble. The clarification of the MLR could shut them down.

There loss ratio on the Individual block is good but if law dictates the MLR they could end up losing money on that book of business.

Bottom line is I think we end up with maybe 5 carriers that are dominate for the entire country. There will be non profit carriers that make it in their regional markets.

The big problem for us is will the carriers pay us to sell?
5 carriers that are dominate for the entire country

In truth, there are only two carriers that come even close to that (UHC and Assurant) and neither of those are in all 57 states.

I expect UHC to hang in there but not Assurant.

More likely you will have large regionals such as Humana (20+ states) and possibly Cigna (fewer than 20 states). Aetna could be a player but I don't see them bellying up to the bar. Seems like they are trying to run as far as they can in the opposite direction.

Blues are state by state and there may be some actual mergers to allow them economies of scale. Coventry could do the same but I see them bowing out before too long.

Regional HMO's like KP and some smaller HMO's will probably survive.

I don't expect carriers like World to continue. American National has already bowed out and more will follow.
In truth, there are only two carriers that come even close to that (UHC and Assurant) and neither of those are in all 57 states.

I expect UHC to hang in there but not Assurant.

More likely you will have large regionals such as Humana (20+ states) and possibly Cigna (fewer than 20 states). Aetna could be a player but I don't see them bellying up to the bar. Seems like they are trying to run as far as they can in the opposite direction.

Blues are state by state and there may be some actual mergers to allow them economies of scale. Coventry could do the same but I see them bowing out before too long.

Regional HMO's like KP and some smaller HMO's will probably survive.

I don't expect carriers like World to continue. American National has already bowed out and more will follow.

Somarco, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you teach your students that competition helped stablize prices and tended to drive them down?

How does reducing the number of carriers fit into your business model of a competitive health insruance market?
I did not have students, Bill. I have followers.

Fewer carriers alone does not mean better rates. Some of the fringe carriers like World, American National, Celtic and others don't really impact the market.

If the idea of health care reform was to truly lower premiums the govt has failed miserably. What they have done is encourage players to exit the market while the remaining ones will hope to garner enough market share to at least break even. If they don't, they too will leave.

This is what we see in the GI states already and if Obamacrap continues without modification, what happened in NY, ME and MA will expand to all 57 states.

Fewer carriers, fewer choices, higher rates.