Sebelius Flounders on The Daily Show - Video

She says that now you can't shop to see your doctor or hospital in current health care plans. A broker will only show you one or two plans? :skeptical:

So in her world you go online and see 17 plans in Missouri, my state, and make an informed choice concerning coverage levels, doctor and hospital choice and formulary coverage? Right :D

Every client of mine is clueless until I educate them about how the plans work and what is their smartest choice for their dollars and needs.

I've been out doing meetings on this to community groups. no RADIO yet, and they have a glazed, mad look in their eyes when I explain this to them.

Oh's the end of the party hardy! :D
She makes multiple false statements in that interview. She claims that you couldnt use an agent to shop the entire market before.... and that even if you could you would be stuck with whatever company the agent want you to be with...

This lady is a complete joke.
That was so sad, she looks as exhausted as I am. She'll be gone by March.

"For the first time, you can shop for plans side by side"..........was that before or after she signed a contract with Ehealth to sell FFM?

Hell, I've been doing side by side for 8+ years.......

10 million hits? or would it be better to talk about unique visitors?

John Stewart wants single payor, but then bashes the VA system.......huh?
That was so sad, she looks as exhausted as I am. She'll be gone by March.

"For the first time, you can shop for plans side by side"..........was that before or after she signed a contract with Ehealth to sell FFM?

Hell, I've been doing side by side for 8+ years.......

10 million hits? or would it be better to talk about unique visitors?

John Stewart wants single payor, but then bashes the VA system.......huh?

John Stewart is all over the place these days. John Oliver did much better than Stewart when he filled in last month.
Well not as bad as our esteem Atwater here in Florida OIR, he had a webinar today for consumer's presented by someone in his office that only mentioned agents on the very last slide, they talked up the Marketplace and navigator's and he's a republican. Just got off the phone with a rep of FAIFA that sits across the hall from me and she is livid and going to contact the lobbying arm and Atwater's office tomorrow. Hell she had lunch with him along with some other rep's a couple months over the agent and navigator rolls with promises to back the agents. I am beginning to think the old conspiracy theory here that the agent is history.
It seems that all of President Obama's minions are missing a wingnut when attempting to describe what's going on with

Wording from the Democrat's grand poobah (Debbie Wasserman Schultz) during a MSNBC interview on 10/9/2013:

"REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL): So clearly we're eight days in and to be insisting on data being produced day by day for a six-month enrollment program is a little bit unfair. And, you know, the good news that came out of this problem and HHS has acknowledged that there's obviously been some technological problems with the server, but the good news out of that is that the servers were apparently designed to anticipate about 50,000 people a day going on the website and moving around and they -- it turns out it's been 250,000 a day. So it's very clear that there is demand."

Story & Video: Wasserman Schultz: "Unfair" To Ask For Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Right Now | RealClearPolitics
