Dwayne, does this mean you no longer sell med supps? I've not been able to force myself that way yet as it seems the comm'l P & C is keeping more than busy enough. Enjoying CRIS?
- I sell 2-3 med supps a month and they are either refferals or repeats. I am fortunate that I sold a lady a med. supp when she turned 65 and signed her up on part D for free on medicare.gov. She sends me referrals all of the time because she is the go-to person at a local doctors office.
- Commercial is far more interesting for me, uses more of my brain cells and I'm constantly learning something new. Like you, I am more than busy with the commecial side and I'm working 9-5 and enjoying life. I have started cold-calling 1 week out of the month and writing business the other 3. This works well for me and I just signed my biggest clients thus far, about 28,000 A.P. So I'm anxious to see where this goes in the next few years.
- Love the CRIS program. I just took my first exam and am now working on my second class. By the way, the CIC Diagnostic appointmnets DVD was well worth the money. I use their techniques everytime and I would say I'm walking away from 15-20% of potential quotes.I went to a country club and spoke to the manager and he said he had no loyalty to anyone and looked at quotes every year, so I moved on, and I would have wasted my time with this jerk a few months ago, spending weeks on a quote. Your recommendations have been a huge help..
1 thing I am looking forward to is the fact that I just signed up to start Paramedic night classes starting in August. I have my entrance exam on June 25th, but that should be easy enough, I hope. I have no interest in EMS for money, but I have got to take it to prove to myself that I can do it. Probably a stupid reason, but oh well.
I hope things are going well with you.
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