- 3,165
Isn't that all of them? I know they are not all created equal but that is the nature of the recruiting wars. Even my IMO uses me an example of how you can work "2 days a week" and write over $200,000 ap. That is so much BS and it pisses me off that say that. yes, I'm in the field 2 days a week so it seems to be partially true but it's misleading as hell and they are some of the good guys.
The people I pay the most attention to here at the forums are ones that do not recruit, wino, volagent, tins, {ok, I know he recruits but not overtly}, Rick, Readen, Rouse, Newby, {yes, he is kinda of a rcruiter but not really}, etc. There are many more and that's the trouble with making a list, you leave out people.
But, new agents seem to be the most gullible people on earth. I was guilty of that as well. I fell for the smoke and mirrors of NAA and Parker and Asses and RBI and one i am forbidden to name.
Recruiters have their numbers they need to get. They know 90% are going to wash out so if they can recruit a hundred they might get 10 producers. I don't understand that dynamic and I guess that's why I'm not one.
Still, I would think that being stright up would bring recruits to your door. I know I get numerous calls, eamils and pm's from people wanting to sign up with me. People seek out tins and Newby without them doing any recruiting. Todd king doesn't have to recruit a single person. Other send people to him.
So let me get this straight...u dont come here everyday waiting to hear all my 1yr exp golden nuggets so u can use them & be a better agent?
Im shocked & appalled!!