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Selling Insurance in different timezones as a side hustle?


Hello everyone, I got my insurance license a few months back and was planning to be an agent. However, at that time I was in a transitional period and was living at my parents' house and I put insurance on the back burner for a job that had a base salary and didn't involve investing in so that I could get into an apartment.

Since putting insurance aside, I have started to consider the idea of still selling insurance but focusing on different timezones so that I can either do it in the morning, before work, or in the evening when I get off. I live in Arizona and my thoughts were that I can focus on the east coast (in the morning like 5 am-8 am) or in the evening I can maybe try selling to people in Hawaii as they are 3 hours behind me.

I am not sure if this is a viable option so that I can still dabble in insurance without needing to give up on the day job. In a perfect situation, I would obviously have my whole day free in order to focus on it but I wanted to know if someone with experience can give me thoughts on whether or not this is a decent idea or if I would be setting myself up for failure.

I am not sure if this added info will help but I would be selling medigap/medicare avantage and if it is not obvious yet, it would be online.

Any thoughts or tips would be appreciated.
@WinoBlues no man I mean it. Thank you. You don't seem miserable and douchy at all


I am chill.

However, this is not a Hustle side or otherwise to most of us.

While I'll admit I do not do a full time effort at this any longer. However, I do have about $3-4,000 on deck I will write tomorrow or the next day. All call in /text /email in. Asking me to please quote them.

I have been in Ts, shorts and flip flops for 3 months. Just feeling the work mojo now.

Here is some advice. You did come here asking, right?

Understand that while some of us may have started part time and maybe living in our parents garage and eating Ramin. This is not a side Hustle for us. It is our professional life. If you want help from people doing this as a side Hustle go to the Facebook groups. If you are looking for advice from people that are paying their mortgages and hanging by the pool or writing business from a hotel patio. Ask.

Send me your PayPal info and I will send you $20. For wasting your time.
Where are you going to learn what Medicare and its solutions are about? This is not a business where the first phone call answered gets the business. All medicare enrollees have questions and expect you to know the answer. Misinformation is a ticket to E&O land, and that is no carnival ride
It's hard to sell insurance PROFESSIONALLY part-time, because there's a lot more to it than just managing to get someone on the phone. Doing it part-time (we old farts aren't "woke" enough to call that a side hustle) from the get-go is going to be hard. Not impossible, but very, very hard. Getting licensed is the easy part. Where do you intend to get your leads? Who's going to keep you trained on products and compliance - Medicare Advantage is a NIGHTMARE from a compliance standpoint, especially if you're going to be working in multiple states. Do you have E&O coverage? A website? How many states are you licensed in? WinoBlues is doing what is far more common - full-timers dropping back to part time. That's a breeze, because you have decades worth of relationships, experience and credibility to draw from.

If you REALLY want to be insurance, then be in insurance. I admire you for wanting to do it, but you need to do it right, not dabble in it.
Hello everyone, I got my insurance license a few months back and was planning to be an agent. However, at that time I was in a transitional period and was living at my parents' house and I put insurance on the back burner for a job that had a base salary and didn't involve investing in so that I could get into an apartment.

Since putting insurance aside, I have started to consider the idea of still selling insurance but focusing on different timezones so that I can either do it in the morning, before work, or in the evening when I get off. I live in Arizona and my thoughts were that I can focus on the east coast (in the morning like 5 am-8 am) or in the evening I can maybe try selling to people in Hawaii as they are 3 hours behind me.

I am not sure if this is a viable option so that I can still dabble in insurance without needing to give up on the day job. In a perfect situation, I would obviously have my whole day free in order to focus on it but I wanted to know if someone with experience can give me thoughts on whether or not this is a decent idea or if I would be setting myself up for failure.

I am not sure if this added info will help but I would be selling medigap/medicare avantage and if it is not obvious yet, it would be online.

Any thoughts or tips would be appreciated.

caveat, not an agent.

When I hear insurance agents talking about "pitches" and "hustles", I start figuring I am going to get stiffed.

If that attitude is common to my generation, the first thing you need is an attitude change.
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