Selling Insurance to low income people?

I don't think this situation strictly occurs with low income people. I have had this happen with high end clients as well. Either they want your help or they don't. I agree that you should have people come see you OR follow up with a call to your client an hour before the appointment to make sure they are still available and want to meet.
I think some of the comments in this thread are unkind.

I don't know a lot about insurance but the best time to sell anything to low income families with children is during tax return season. Mid-Feb and March. I would try to get a full year's premium paid at that time. It is the only time of year many have extra money. This why you see all the used car dealerships offering to do people's tax returns for them.
Summer with school supplies needing to be bought and fall with the holidays are probably the worse times.
The fall might be a good time to make an introduction but if you are looking for a premium paid you want focus on mid Feb/March.
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