Seniors and Reform


5000 Post Club
Okay, there is no covering up the fact that the Republican Party is a basketcase (as opposed to the dem party, heh, heh?)

Nevertheless, in my humble opinion this (see excerpt below) is an extremely savvy and timely move on their part. Regardless of what is and is not factually true about Obama's plan (perhaps he could explain it), it is just a fact of life that he is on the ropes with the perception that he is messing with Medicare, end-of-life decisions, and grandma in general. Perhaps, that is all untrue. If so, his problem not mine. He is the great communicator so go straighten it out if it is not true.

The reality is that seniors are an important part of the democratic base but the republicans are going to capture many of them if this keeps up. This is a very savvy move on their part. Don't get me wrong, I am not covering up the fact the Republicans are on a well-deserved heart lung machine. I am just saying they are putting a stake in the ground that seniors can rally around when they need it the most and it will put Obama on the defensive even more- after months of being on the offensive.

Instead of every senior trying to understand a plan that no one understands, they are just going to be looking at the list of politicians who either do or do not support "the Seniors Health Care Bill of Rights." I think Obama will have some silver-tongued things to say back to it but, again, the point is to just have him on the defensive. I am just talking political strategy in this instance.

Of course, trying to pull the plug on Grandma is never good. The Blue Hair Brigade will bayonet you.

from Politico:

EXCLUSIVE -- The Republican National Committee today makes a play for senior support by rolling out a "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights," aimed at amplifying concerns -- already clear in polls -- about the effect of health-care reform on Medicare. RNC Chairman Michael Steele: "America's senior citizens deserve access to quality health care that will not bankrupt them. … Unfortunately for America's seniors, President Obama and Congressional Democrats are looking to fund their government-run health care experiment by cutting over $500 billion from Medicare." The first point in the six-point "Bill of Rights": "PROTECT MEDICARE AND NOT CUT IT IN THE NAME OF HEALTH CARE REFORM." And, of course, it includes: "PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM INTERFERING WITH END-OF-LIFE CARE DISCUSSIONS."
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Millions face shrinking Social Security payments

On average it looks like the cost is going up $2. Where is the bail out for the seniors? We have blown trillions of dollars on nothing and now seniors will not get a cost of living raise since energy prices are down. I don't know about you but my electric bill is still high and gas is still high but cost of living is going down? WTF, what has this country become? Is there anywhere in the world that is still free?

Okay, there is no covering up the fact that the Republican Party is a basketcase (as opposed to the dem party, heh, heh?)

Nevertheless, in my humble option this (see excerpt below) is an extremely savvy and timely move on their part. Regardless of what is and is not factually true about Obama's plan (perhaps he could explain it), it is just a fact of life that he is on the ropes with the perception that he is messing with Medicare, end-of-life decisions, and grandma in general. Perhaps, that is all untrue. If so, his problem not mine. He is the great communicator so go straighten it out if it is not true.

The reality is that seniors are an important part of the democratic base but the republicans are going to capture many of them if this keeps up. This is a very savvy move on their part. Don't get me wrong, I am not covering up the fact the Republicans are on a well-deserved heart lung machine. I am just saying they are putting a stake in the ground that seniors can rally around when they need it the most and it will put Obama on the defensive even more- after months of being on the offensive.

Instead of every senior trying to understand a plan that no one understands, they are just going to be looking at the list of politicians who either do or do not support "the Seniors Health Care Bill of Rights." I think Obama will have some silver-tongued things to say back to it but, again, the point is to just have him on the defensive. I am just talking political strategy in this instance.

Of course, trying to pull the plug on Grandma is never good. The Blue Hair Brigade will bayonet you.

from Politico:

EXCLUSIVE -- The Republican National Committee today makes a play for senior support by rolling out a "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights," aimed at amplifying concerns -- already clear in polls -- about the effect of health-care reform on Medicare. RNC Chairman Michael Steele: "America's senior citizens deserve access to quality health care that will not bankrupt them. … Unfortunately for America's seniors, President Obama and Congressional Democrats are looking to fund their government-run health care experiment by cutting over $500 billion from Medicare." The first point in the six-point "Bill of Rights": "PROTECT MEDICARE AND NOT CUT IT IN THE NAME OF HEALTH CARE REFORM." And, of course, it includes: "PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM INTERFERING WITH END-OF-LIFE CARE DISCUSSIONS."
Republicans need to return to their libertarian roots, sound money and small gov't, only then will I start to call myself a Republican...

Oh, I wasnt making a pitch for or against republicans. I am just looking at what is working and not working in this reform debate, regardless of where it comes from.

Similarly, I have acknowledged for years what the dems (either in the form of Hillary or Obama) have on their side in this dogfight and have never underestimated Obama's ability to advance as far as he has- not for a second. Doesnt mean I am shilling for Obama because I am not.

Just as I watch out for Obama's moves, I am just saying he and the dems would do well to watch out for this move by the Republicans because it could gain traction if it is not stopped right off and I dont think they can. This is true regardless of whether one supports Che Guevara or Attila the Hun for president. Both the dems and the republicans are adrift now in many areas. If someone gets crystal clear in an area where seniors feel like they are adrift, then that is going to be powerful.

Most likely I am wrong.
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From Politico:

EXCLUSIVE -- The Republican National Committee today makes a play for senior support by rolling out a "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights," aimed at amplifying concerns -- already clear in polls -- about the effect of health-care reform on Medicare. RNC Chairman Michael Steele: "America's senior citizens deserve access to quality health care that will not bankrupt them. … Unfortunately for America's seniors, President Obama and Congressional Democrats are looking to fund their government-run health care experiment by cutting over $500 billion from Medicare." The first point in the six-point "Bill of Rights": "PROTECT MEDICARE AND NOT CUT IT IN THE NAME OF HEALTH CARE REFORM." And, of course, it includes: "PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM INTERFERING WITH END-OF-LIFE CARE DISCUSSIONS."


I just think this is brilliant strategy on the part of the Republicans. Or anybody trying to put a stop to this madness called health insurance reform (aka – "the big phase out.")
How clever to focus on the seniors like this. 1) they all vote 2) they take healthcare seriously because most of them are dealing w/ medical issues 3) they are crap'n their pants as they watch their pals roll off one at a time.
This block, more than any other "feels" a sense of urgency on this issue.
Fear is, as always, the best weapon. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant tool.
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I have to admit I'm a little surprised to see the GOP do this, since they've been virtually unable to put two coherent sentences together regarding a clear alternative.

Who's in charge over there? Where's the alternative health care plan, one that includes the various cost-cutting measures the GOP has been touting?

Draw up a national alternative for everyone, give it a simple name (like this Bill of Rights thing), and get it out there. Either that or get out of the way.

On the other hand, maybe the GOP would rather just let the Democrats self-destruct on this. Seems to be working so far.

Interesting sidebar to the "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights" first point -- "Protect Medicare and not cut in in the name of health care reform".

That statement doesn't even deserve the all caps billing it got as posted. We have Medicare because of JFK and LBJ. Not because of Republicans, in spite of them. Republicans voted against it then -- and still want to repeal it even now.

Is "hypocrisy" spelled correctly?

Interesting sidebar to the "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights" first point -- "Protect Medicare and not cut in in the name of health care reform".

That statement doesn't even deserve the all caps billing it got as posted. We have Medicare because of JFK and LBJ. Not because of Republicans, in spite of them. Republicans voted against it then -- and still want to repeal it even now.

Is "hypocrisy" spelled correctly?


Good point; let me get a hold of the spell check cop ...
Arn, Arn, you're needed for a clean up on isle 7!
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On the other hand, maybe the GOP would rather just let the Democrats self-destruct on this. Seems to be working so far.


Along with the ins. industry. Publicly speaking of course.
Think ahead. The longer this issue drives everybody up the wall before it, for all practical purposes disintegrates, the better for the G.O.P come 2010 and afterward.
Its collapse is eminent on a mathematical level.
By keeping this public, all their doing is digging a deeper ditch for themselves to try and climb out off later.
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That statement doesn't even deserve the all caps billing it got as posted. We have Medicare because of JFK and LBJ. Not because of Republicans, in spite of them. Republicans voted against it then -- and still want to repeal it even now.

So how come Obama is trying to cut Medicare and pull the plug on Grandma then?

Not to worry, ins.dave. I checked aisle 7 and Atlantainsguy did an excellent job; however, you misspelled aisle unless we are talking about a small island surrounded by water. BTW, a local supermarket that is part of Safeway screwed up on the same spelling in their parking lot (isle vs. aisle). Have a good day!