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- #21
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Ohh, no one doubts that once all the private competition has been elimanated that people will fight tooth and nail to preserve the public option if that is all that is left. Medicare is all that seniors have. Even Medicare Advantage feeds off of Parts A and B so it is not really a private sector alternative.
Medicare is also government subidized bigtime and is going broke whereas Barry says his plan will be revenue neutral (or 1.6 trillion if you ask the CBO). If you introduce a public option that is heavily subsidized and writes down the costs of premiums I am quite sure that people will want that option too. How that squares with the revenue neutral part I dont know but I dont think Barry lies awake at night worrying about funding of anything he proposes. Maybe we could pay people to turn in their old clunker/insurance policy and move over to the public option.
The cartoon seeks to underscore that seniors are wedded to Medicare tooth and nail. Well duh, isnt it really Obama who needs to keep that in mind now that he has stepped on to the third rail and is looking for cuts to medicare to prop up his other plans? He has made some dumb mistakes along the way, nut that will prove to be a doozy. The republicans are now seen as the guardian of medicare, not the dems. Hence, there goes another major part of his base. Another day, another drop in the polls.
Of course threatening to pull the plug on Grandma doesnt help either.