Set a New Personal Record Today!!!

I did a fleet sale one time. It was great.

I was to meet with an 83 year old guy and his two sons and daughter to write a funeral PreNeed on dad. I had a trainee riding along with me who was a cop that was thinking about selling PreNeed insurance part time. It was not expected to be too exciting because PreNeed doesn't pay well on 83-year old people. It pays real good on 51-70 year olds though.

The dad didn't really have enough cash flow to afford the premium but he didn't want to let his kids pay it for him. They were nice people and willing to but he was too proud.

Then one of the son's asked, how about if we ALL Preplanned and you give dad all of our discounts off his instead of ours? (That funeral home gave a $500 discount off their prices when you Preplanned.) I said that's the answer! Let's do it.

I wrote up him, his three kids and all their spouses that night. I had to send the trainee back to the funeral home to get more forms. It was my first FLEET sale.

On the ride back to take the trainee to his car, I played it real low key. I wanted to see what he thought. He didn't seem very impressed or excited. He did ask me if that happened very often and I said Not real often. Maybe three or four times a year (Not really, it happens once or twice ever if you're lucky.) he had enough info to realize that I made around $15,000 on that appointment but was not even the least bit excited. He was thinking about getting home to a late supper. I knew at that point that he was not going to make it. He didn't.

Believe it or not, when I delivered their policies to them, they had another neighbor lady ay the house did an additional policy on the spot. I thought I was Midas.

Within three years, half of them had died. One of the wives got cancer and died. The 83-year old dad died. And one of the son's and his wife were in a bad car wreck and died.

That was a very unusual case all the way around. In 16-years I've only had two other Fleet sales close to that one. One of those a month would be nice.
Heck of a story there Newby thanks for sharing.
Cops and water and oil.
So what was your avg commish on a pre need deal?
In 2007 I was in the right place at the right time when a MA carrier became the first plan available in a central CA county. I sent mailings and recall that in a 24 hour period I wrote 16 plans at $500 each.

Best one day was in 1997, working for Secure Horizons. I presented at my 1st restaurant meeting and got 12 enrollments.

It's been all downhill since then.

Heck of a story there Newby thanks for sharing. Cops and water and oil. So what was your avg commish on a pre need deal?

It's all over the board. Back when I did that one SCI was paying us crazy money on the good ages up to around 30% of the face amount. Today I think that same company pays a small salary and around 8% top commish.

Preneed pays double or triple what FE pays on the good ages but less than half on the bad ones. No renewals at all.