Several questions for all

1. Do you work from home? If you work from an office do you own the building or rent it?

I work from the home office 1 day a week and the rest of the week from the main office (Nationwide). I give up a small slice of my commissions for this.

2. Do you buy your own health insurance? If yes, who through?

Yes, like most people that I sell I have to purchase my own health insurance. Me and my wife are on an HSA with Nationwide and I have a much more benefit rich plan for my 3 boys ages 10, 5, & 3 also from Nationwide.

3. Do you have disability insurance?

None currently.

4. How much do you spend per month on advertising or buying leads?

Past few months I have been marketing exclusively to business owners by way of business to business. Don't pay a single penny except for my time and gas. Great return of investment.
1. Do you work from home? If you work from an office do you own the building or rent it?

2. Do you buy your own health insurance? If yes, who through?

3. Do you have disability insurance?

4. How much do you spend per month on advertising or buying leads?

1. Used to work from home (good old days). Built office building 2 years ago - own it, or I should say the bank does

2. Unicare H S A (Wellpoint)

3. No disability I am too cheap - I'll fire everyone and live off my renewals :-)

4. In excess of 5 figures per month, broken down "per app" it is not as bad as it sounds, it is however an unimaginable amount of work - I just do it for the credit card points anyhow... lol...
I'm wondering how everyone here sets up thier business and benefits.

1. Do you work from home? If you work from an office do you own the building or rent it?

2. Do you buy your own health insurance? If yes, who through?

3. Do you have disability insurance?

4. How much do you spend per month on advertising or buying leads?

1. Work from home.

2. Yes, Nationwide HSA 1750 deductible $102 a month (Might change with Health Net taking over underwriting and switching to their network on October 1, 2007.

3. No disibility insurance

4. Use to spend 500 a month on internet leads. Now spend roughly 100 on flyers, mailing, and cold calling with Go leads,
Good question. I'm pretty precise about what I do with them.

Anybody under 25 gets thrown away. Anybody that gave wrong contact information gets thrown away. Vick is a bum.

All self-employed persons are kept on file and emailed in 6 months and called in 10 1/2 months. Vick is a bum.

I also email (10 1/2 months) those families that I spoke to and they chose to go with another carrier. Vick is a bum.

I find it interesting that no one other than Chumps has responded to my question. It sounds like he and I are the only ones "recycling" our leads and getting the most efficient use of them.

If so, I will take all the leads that anyone is planning on throwing away simply because they were told by the person that "they weren't interested". Chumps, I will split them with you.

When I was captive every agent I worked with use to discard their leads after calling and having people tell them they weren't interested. I sold a lot of insurance from leads that other agents said "weren't any good". In most cases I believe that it was the agent that wasn't that good, not the leads. LOL I even use to do that until I developed a way to organize them and have them literally at my fingertips.
I find it interesting that no one other than Chumps has responded to my question. It sounds like he and I are the only ones "recycling" our leads and getting the most efficient use of them.

If so, I will take all the leads that anyone is planning on throwing away simply because they were told by the person that "they weren't interested". Chumps, I will split them with you.

When I was captive every agent I worked with use to discard their leads after calling and having people tell them they weren't interested. I sold a lot of insurance from leads that other agents said "weren't any good". In most cases I believe that it was the agent that wasn't that good, not the leads. LOL I even use to do that until I developed a way to organize them and have them literally at my fingertips.

All unsold leads I file with my x-dates. I send them a call about 30 days before renewal to see if I can earn their business then.

Can I get some of those old leads too?