Shout Out To CA Dave


i know you're on this project
but this guy knows his chit
Who Can Assist Brokers in Covered California Enrollments?

By Phil Daigle on May 9, 2013 12:15 PM| No Comments
Question: Will a Broker be allowed to have his unlicensed staff be certified to enroll clients in CoveredCa. Other AEE,s employing assisters and navigators are unlicened.
Answer: No. Only, a California licensed agent who has been certified by Covered California may assist in enrollments in the exchange. Unlicensed employees may not be certified to assist in exchange enrollments, nor may an agent employ or otherwise provide financial renumeration to certified assisters for enrollments in Covered California. In-person assisters and and navigators can only assist enrollments in the exchange on behalf of certified assister entities. They are not free to act independently. Finally, the exchange has recommended that assister entities and assisters not be allowed to refer leads to licensed agents. While this recommendation is not yet final, we expect it to be approved shortly.
Im sure a smart agent can find a way to get these folks over to his side.. just like cms.. no meals just a snack of one food group.