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1000 Post Club
Pork County
From time to time I run across agents mentioning their flip charts, etc. and I was wanting to see a cross section of what you guys are using. I'm already using one created by Empty (and customized by me) from this thread but am wanting to see what else is out there, perhaps to enhance what I already have. I know it's a PITA to upload things but I think it would be useful. Anyone?
From time to time I run across agents mentioning their flip charts, etc. and I was wanting to see a cross section of what you guys are using. I'm already using one created by Empty (and customized by me) from this thread but am wanting to see what else is out there, perhaps to enhance what I already have. I know it's a PITA to upload things but I think it would be useful. Anyone?

I can go to files that are 20 years old and find meeting notes that look pretty much like this. I use a quote sheet in green paper my notes are usually on the back of those. so I can find them easily.

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I write all of the info on the back of the lead sheet. After I fax the ap, I staple the sheet to it, and file it. That way, if there is ever any question, it's all right there.
Americo has a flip chart for mortgage protection and final expense. Monumental has a small pdf..

I'd like to see the one from Americo if someone has it. Since I'm not contracted with them someone would have to upload it. I've seen the Monu one. Like I said above I'm using yours (Empty's) now but I'm always looking for differing ideas.