Thank you! I am looking forward to being finished at this place too. I'm sorry I have not given an update yet. I did give notice on Monday and they are wanting me to stay the 2 weeks. I did not say why I am leaving beside the "it's just not a good fit for me" since I'm trying to leave as peaceful as possible. However, the situation has transpired a bit; the "Bid Bond" he had me type up was the winning Bid, believe it or not! So now the County may try to Verify the bond. So I don't know what is about to happen when and if they find out there is no bond behind it. I am going to try and get my boss on recording telling me that he has "the authority to say that it's approved". That way if it backfires on me I will hopefully have something to prove it was not my idea. If I am able to get that recording I may go ahead and contact the Surety Company and make them aware of the situation. But these are a bunch of "ifs". I tried to call anonymously to the State's Insurance Commissioners Office but unfortunately, they could offer me no help on the Bond situation and said all I could do was file a complaint against my boss but otherwise they couldn't help or advise me :(
I will try to update again soon.
It is not unusual for a P&C agent to have "binding authority" for certain lines of insurance.. I have never been involved with bonds but years ago when I did auto and homeowners, we could bind the coverage over the phone.