Soliciting / Door Knocking ?

Your insurance license will not trump a local ordinance.

Usually when you get pinched when door knocking, it's about money. Just swing downtown and get a permit or business license. But even this won't help in a restricted neighborhood or apartment complex.
The towns I want to door knock in have permits for <$50, but you also have to get a picture taken, fingerprints, and a background check with the local PD. It seems a little much just to knock on a door. But I know it would be worth it tbh.

For agents that do door knocking road trips, I wonder if they go through all these steps, or just hope no officer cites them..
The towns I want to door knock in have permits for <$50, but you also have to get a picture taken, fingerprints, and a background check with the local PD. It seems a little much just to knock on a door. But I know it would be worth it tbh.

For agents that do door knocking road trips, I wonder if they go through all these steps, or just hope no officer cites them..
I don't know any that do. I sure don't.
I appreciate, the info, I'm going to reach out to my states DOI and ask them if my license "supercedes" local ordinances from preventing someone from soliciting door to door.

Dude/Dudette, if you're that concerned just get the permit. Most are $150 to $200 for an entire year.

Always better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.

Even if your license does have implicit or even explicit permission to solicit, the local police generally aren't that well educated with respect to the law.

Print your insurance license and paste a passport/driver's license sized phot to it, laminate it, and hang it from a lanyard.

97% of the time you will have NO problems if you just do that.

If someone does call the local PD on you, make an effort to go in and meet with the chief, beg forgiveness, and get the permit if that is an area you wish to keep working.
Where do you live in FL? It is getting tougher to do business here in the panhandle. I have mailed 500 T65 postcards for 4 months and have not received any response as of yet.
Where do you live in FL? It is getting tougher to do business here in the panhandle. I have mailed 500 T65 postcards for 4 months and have not received any response as of yet.
At the moment I only do so Michael media for my marketing, I don't do mailers.