Some Npns Stripped and 3 Looks on


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So far have noticed a mix of NPNs staying and being stripped. Looks like when the process goes through the 2014 "Look" (1-2 questions per page; click and wait); my npn is staying on the app.

I have had other clients re-enroll and the system brings up the new process from last year (multiple questions on each page). Those seem to have my NPN stripped off.

I also saw a 3rd version of early this week, but have not seen it since. It was similar to last years version, but somehow different. I remember telling the client I had never seen this look before and had to really take my time moving through it.

Any one else seeing this?
I have experienced the odd process one time as well. The old "click/spin" was one of my wishes that they would have changed. All of those questions should be on one page for that person if not for the whole application. No sense in asking coverage and income questions for a six month old.
I have seen the new version on some, which also had or didn't have my NPN, etc. Clients who do the process on their own, 50/50, it seems, whether my info will stay. Can't see any common thread as to why one or the other long or short form is coming up, or why my info goes missing. There may be a few where an AOR went to carrier, and as some of you have warned, also needs to have agent info added on Marketplace app.
Another frustrating part of ACA renewals is that one carrier has lowered renewals to 1.25%. At some point, I can see there being a point where it's not worth doing anymore. However, if you want to get those renewals, you have to go through the process with them to make sure the subsidy is updated and your NPN stays on the app.

I miss the days when you only had to work with those clients that wanted to either shop or switch to a high deductible. Now with ACA, you have to work with every client every year. I keep adding clients each year, but at some point, there isn't enough time. If they run Medicare AEP and ACA AEP together next year, it will be very bad.
Yep, when they truly overlap, that will be the breaking point for me to make a valued decision. If my income from exchange based plans will not pay for my time and the time of an assistant that will be required to process that many clients in the limited time frame I'll have to start backing out.
Better watch out............better not cry........cause I just told you why:

Question: I don't believe the FFM has captured my NPN on a specific enrollment. What should I do?

An agent or broker or a consumer should not return to the Marketplace (via theSide-by-Side or Direct Enrollment channel) to edit an application only for the purpose of adding/changing the NPN on record; instead, the consumer should bereporting some type of life change when adding/changing the NPN on record.

If an FFM-registered agent or broker has a reason to believe his or her NPN shouldhave been included on an FFM enrollment transaction and was not, the agent orbroker may contact the respective QHP issuer directly to resolve the situation sincethe FFM considers issuers the source of truth for NPNs on Marketplaceenrollments.
Yep, when they truly overlap, that will be the breaking point for me to make a valued decision. If my income from exchange based plans will not pay for my time and the time of an assistant that will be required to process that many clients in the limited time frame I'll have to start backing out.

Yes--my decision is going to be easy. When I get paid for U65 in 2016, and see how many passive renewals were lost (I was unable to rewrite my entire book), then I'll decide if I can segment it somehow or just cut them all loose. . . Tired as I am, cutting them loose sounds appealing at this point. . .